Evil Is The Ability Of Spot Zoning
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
~John Stuart Mill.
Do you want a gas station down the road from your farm?
The Board of county Commissioners have the ability to spot zone. “Spot zoning is the process of focusing on a small section of land to be used in a completely different fashion than the surrounding land for the sole benefit of the landowner and the disadvantage of nearby landowners. For this reason, spot zoning is considered the opposite of plan zoning.’’ As defined by Jeffrey T. Angley, P.C.
This is exact scenario is happening right now on Vay Road and Dufort Road residents are fighting against the Hammond rezone regarding parcel file AM0002-23. You can email the commissioners your thoughts on why or why not on rezoning this piece of land.
Please Attend the next planning hearing on Jun 14, 2023 at 1:30 PM – Jun 14, 2023 at 4:00 PM where the Hammond rezone will be decided as well as the large scale residential Planned Unit Development on Recreation zoned lots/parcels amounting to a total area of approximately 3.17 acres.
The applicants are proposing to create seven (7) residential lots with recreational open space, storage, and utilities area. The project is located off Copper Bay Road.
You may think the planning director is a check and balance against spot zoning. However, he is appointed by the Board of county Commissioners.
Here are some examples of the power the Commissioners hold. They control the purse strings of the county. The Commissioners have the last word over the budget of the other elected officials including the Sheriff, the Clerk, The Coroner, EMS, The Fair board as well as Road & Bridge. The Commissioners appoint people to the following boards.
- Bonner County Airport Advisory Board
- Bonner County Board of Community Guardian
- Bonner County EMS Advisory Council
- Bonner County Fair Board
- Bonner County Natural Resources Committee (BCNRC)
- Priest Lake Groomers Advisory Board
- Priest Lake Translator District
- Snowmobile East (Sandpoint) Advisory Board
- Solid Waste Advisory Committee
- Waterways Advisory Board
- Weed Advisory Board
“The Bonner County Board of Commissioners is responsible for providing administrative services to Bonner County. The purpose of this department is to identify and clarify the needs of the people, and ensure the County responds to those needs. The Board executes all legislative power authorized. These powers include, but are not limited to, adopting and enacting the budget, appropriation of expenditures and setting policy. Other powers include establishing fees and comprehensive use plans, and conducting public hearings and meetings.” As defined by the Bonner County Commissioners web site.
One of the ways you can be involved is come to a Bonner County Commissioner meeting. The next meeting is at 9am on 6/13. The meetings are every Tuesday at 9am at 1500 HWY 2 Suite 308 Sandpoint, ID 83864.The meetings are available via zoom as well as YouTube. I hope to see you there. https://www.bonnercountyid.gov/commissioners
Trisha Bowlin
Spirit Lake, Idaho
Related: UN-electable Commissioners Hit and Run
Very disturbing to listen to these two clowns. Even more disturbing to think that they were somehow elected by the citizens of Bonner County.