The Universe is 7,000 years old Today!
by Shari Dovale
Johannes Kepler is acknowledged to be a founder of modern science and is best known for the three laws of planetary motion, now named for him. He is also called the founder of modern optics due to his work on the laws of optics, with expansion into the study of optics to the human eye.
Kepler is recognized as one of the most significant contributing minds of the 17th-century scientific revolution.
Kepler was also devout in his beliefs in God and he believed that the universe was a geometric manifestation of the “mind of God.” Furthermore, he was the first to derive the birth year of Christ, that is now universally accepted.
The unexpected appearance of a supernova in October 1604 caused Kepler to contribute more practical predictions, including the collapse of Islam and the return of Christ. Additionally, he also explained through mathematics when the universe was actually formed. He even gave it the date of April 27th in the year 4977 B.C. This was accepted science for hundreds of years.
Modern science seems to be adamant that God had no part in the history of the universe, and repeats that the Earth is some 13 Billion years old, based on a fantastical ‘Big Bang Theory.’ This is a theory that has been shared for less than a hundred years, with only conjecture to form it’s basis. Scientists that wish to disprove God are the lead gossips of this misinformation.
These are the same science-gossipers that want to convince you that man evolved from apes and were not made through the Hand of God. The big bang theory is without validity. As much as they try, they cannot disprove God.
As I know the Bible to be true, I believe that the Earth came to be by God’s hand. Based on the writings in the Bible, including the genealogies, the Earth cannot be billions of years old. It is about 6-7,000 years old. Was it formed on the date that Kepler determined? It is quite possible.
The astute will use this day to affirm, or reaffirm, their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and maybe they will even celebrate Universe Day!
Sources and further reading:
“ As much as they try, they cannot disprove God.”
Would you please provide a link or any reliable source for proves God does exist.
You deny the clockmaker? Read Bob’s response.
The clockmaker agrees with me. You should read the book for yourself. It’s probably in your local library.
Glad you acknowledge there is one, I’ve read the book
Thank you, for shedding light on darkness Sheri. Read your Bible and let science catch up.
There are only a very few religious scholars that accept what you say as valid. The science about the billions of years age of the Earth and the Universe is very well established, as is evolution. Why are you afraid to include new knowledge to deepen your awe of the Divine?
Here is a list of only nine of the problems with the evolutionary theory. There are numerous others as well:
1. The Problem of the Obvious
Is life the result of random chance, or is life the result of specific intelligent design for a purpose. Evolutionist Richard Dawkins in his 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker acknowledges this problem when he admits, “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” Creation demands a creator.
2. The Problem of Reverse Complexity
Evolution was formulated on an assumption that life was built on levels from simple to complex, but a single simple cell contains as much data as all the individual letters in the world’s largest library—that’s about a trillion bits of information.
3. The Problem of Irreducibly Complex Systems
All parts of a complex system would have to have developed simultaneously. The problem for evolution is this; the theory is based on minute independent mutations which do not have a designed plan. But the very existence of complex systems, with dependent parts, severely challenges the theory.
4. The Problem of Survivability of Intermediates
In the case of a living organism, the “intermediate” components most likely would have been detrimental to survival. For example, in blood clotting, the mechanism is extremely delicate. Too much clotting or too little clotting and the organism dies. An intermediate system with either too much or too little clotting would not have the necessary survival value to carry on the “experiment” to try to find the precise combination.
5. The Problem of the Missing Models
No models have been built to explain the details of the evolution of specific systems. Though tens of thousands of papers have been written on evolutionary subjects, the literature of evolutionary biology is typically little more than fuzzy word pictures.
6. The Problem of First Life
Concerning the prebiotic soup from which life supposedly arose, there is no reason to believe that it even existed or that life has a tendency to emerge even when the right chemicals are present. Modern chemistry now indicates that, in fact, organic compounds produced on the early earth would be subject to chemical reactions making them unsuitable for constructing life. As such, the scientific evidence continues to mount against evolution.
7. The Problem of Deleterious Mutations
99.99 percent of mutations are harmful, even lethal.
8. The Problem of Mathematical Improbability
Mathematically, the probability of evolving the first cell is no better than one in 104,478,146.
9. The Problem of Cosmology
Cosmology is the study of the principles of the universe. The laws of physics, assuming no outside interference by God, predict a uniform and homogenous universe. This is based on the uniformity of the gas that the evolutionists believe originally filled the universe. But instead of uniformity, the universe is lumpy, with areas of emptiness and areas with galaxies. In fact, the mere existence of galaxies, stars, and planets is a great puzzle for evolutionists.
Thank you Bob for this articulate and meaningful response. I have saved this for future reference. I like to remind detractors that evolution has always been an unproven theory. On the other hand, I do not agree that creation lasted only 7000 years. 2 Peter 3:8 indicates a day is AS a thousand years. It did not say it IS a thousand years. This supported the idea that our creators view of time is very different from ours. In addition, we do not know how long Adam and later Eve, resided in the garden before they were kicked out. My point is, I believe taking 1000 years as an absolute day in this context is a mistake.
Why include unproven theories? Evolution and the age of the Earth is NOT well established. New ‘knowledge’ is always welcome, just don’t base it upon unproven theories. ICR
You’re crazy if you think the world is only 7000 years old. I bet you tell people you’re only 20 too?! When in reality you, like the earth have been around a lot longer! Christian’s are pathetic!