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In the Best Interest of Children

WBCSD schools are continuing to perform poorly. According to data from the Idaho State Department of Education

children WBCSD Levy Numbers audit

In the Best Interest of Children

All but two current WBCSD board members voted to burden taxpayers with a Levy BEFORE requesting a proper financial review. Thank you Trustees Rutledge and Brown for standing firm on accountability. We can ALL agree we want a quality education for every WBCSD child. The fact is, WBCSD schools are continuing to perform poorly. According to data from the Idaho State Department of Education for the 2020-21 school year:

  • 2021 graduation rates for the 5 other area schools averages 88% while WBCSD is 63%.
  • 2022 English/Language Arts ISAT proficiency scores average 58.6% while WBCSD is 52.3%.
  • 2022 Math ISAT proficiency scores average 45.5% while WBCSD is 38.1%.

Boundary County School District has similar demographics to WBCSD. Their district spends $10,600 per student per year while WBCSD currently spends $13,300 per student. Throwing more taxpayer money at the problem does NOT make the education better! An audit revealing how WBCSD is spending their money is a logical first step, rather than proposing a 38% higher levy ($4.7M). Do not agree to additional taxation until there is transparency and accountability. Vote NO Levy on May 16th .

* Cost per student, graduation rates and ISAT data were obtained from,

an Idaho State Department of Education website.

Kathryn Barlow
Spirit Lake, ID
