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Optimism Verses Reality

God allows individuals and nations alike the freedom to make their own decisions, and reap the resulting consequences

Good vs Evil, Truth vs Lies, Reality vs Delusion

Optimism Verses Reality

By Pete Ketcham

Optimism has always been the preferred attitude of the Republican party and conservatives. They believe that one must not be discouraged nor give up the fight to save this constitutional nation from the impending destruction by the liberal Democrat party. That is a good and necessary attitude if there is going to be any conservative victory in the fight to save the nation, but unfortunately it does not reflect reality concerning the future of this nation.

The reality is that this nation is following a path of self destruction which is accelerating on a daily basis, and which is far beyond the control of the conservatives. This becomes an obvious fact as one watches and reads the news concerning the crime explosion, drugs, sexual perversion, assaults & murder, LGBT destroying Godly moral values, climate change fraud, illegal immigrant invasion, woke education system, and lastly the complete lack of any logic in the state/federal policies and laws enacted by the Democrat party.

It is acknowledged that the preceding assessment is grim, and is in opposition to the attitude of many conservatives, especially those who hold political office. They fervently believe, that if they just maintain a positive attitude, and continue on with their present strategy, they will eventually win the war for this nation’s heart & soul. Unfortunately, reality prevails despite their optimism, and the war is being lost in the moral/social arena and in the political arena.


Looking at the situation from a spiritual perspective, God allows individuals and nations alike the freedom to make their own decisions, and reap the resulting consequences of those decisions.

Thus, regardless of how optimistic the Republican Party and the conservative community is, the reality is that the nation is heading for a terminal disaster if there is no significant change of course or strategy on the part of the God-fearing conservatives.




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