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LGBT+ Mission Accomplished

Today the LGBT+ dominates the social and political arenas, and have far exceeded their original mission of becoming “discrimination victims”

The Battle Against Christianity

LGBT+ Mission Accomplished

( And More To Come )

by Pete Ketcham

The LGBT+ community, also known as the Gay community, and formerly known as the homosexual community has successfully evolved into a social and political force that dominates the nation.

The Gay community back in the 90’s having already pushed their public agenda by gay pride parades, gay rodeo (Reno) and other events, publicly stated they intended to link their cause with the black communities by also becoming “discrimination victims”.

Many people (myself included) thought they would never be able to “sell” that concept to a logical moral national population. We all totally underestimated the ability of the gay community to accomplish their mission. They were assisted by the liberal news media, Hollywood, teachers unions, Democrat party, and many other entities. They employed a strategy that no one in the conservative/Christian community had envisioned, and thus today the LGBT+ dominates the social and political arenas, and have far exceeded their original mission of becoming “discrimination victims”, although they still use that charade to push their agenda.

The following are some of the issues and actions that were never imagined that could take place in just the last three decades.

  1. No politician liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican will openly criticize the LGBT+ degenerate agenda, for if they do, they will bring on an opposition firestorm that could sink their political career.
  2. The fundamental community church preachers are now fearful of preaching against the LGBT+ degenerate agenda because of the negative reaction of the local media, and even from some in their own congregation. This also applies to large congregations and national church headquarters who remain silent on this issue.
  3. The Democrat party has now fully embraced the LGBT+ degenerate agenda, and are proudly appointing LGBT+ individuals to significant important positions within the state and national government.
  4. The LGBT+ have successfully legalized marriage between two men, and two women, something that has never taken place in the history of nations.
  5. The LGBT+ have successfully influenced the national education system (K-12 to college graduate) to accept and promote their agenda.
  6. They have penetrated the US military to an extent that most people don’t realize. The LGBT+ agenda is being promoted and accepted from the top command to the bottom rank. The nation’s enemies well know what is happening to our military. The following article illustrates how bad it has become: Army Bondage & Fetish Colonel
  7. They have taken a biblical image of God’s promise to His people, the rainbow, and have made it the primary world wide symbol of their perverted movement.

There are more LGBT+ nation wide actions that could be cited, but these are the ones that currently have the greatest impact.


It is now evident that the LGBT+ agenda is an insidious moral cancer that is spreading throughout the “body” of our nation, there is no area of the nation that has not been penetrated or impacted to some extent by this cancer..

And lastly, in the battle against this cancer, the conservative politicians (Republicans) believe they can save our nation by winning the battles in the political arena, failing to realize the victory must be won in the social/moral arena, for we are now in a horrific spiritual battle between Satan’s influence, and God’s influence, one of which will determine the ultimate fate of this nation.


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1 Comment on LGBT+ Mission Accomplished

  1. In the 70s Anita Bryant stood up to the emerging
    cultural Marxist gay rights agenda and was destroyed
    by the Marxist media and their sympathetic corporations.
    The homo agenda and feminism were the tip of the spear in
    the cultural wars against traditional Christian culture, which
    Pat Buchanan spoke of in the 90s.The Marxist propaganda
    was to promote the new superior rights of the sodomites and
    of women which were created by the Marxists, in order to destroy
    the “oppressive, racist, pro-Nazi, blood thirsty ancient superstition”
    of Christianity and the family and to browbeat the American population
    into submission and into abandoning Christianity through hatred, shame,
    guilt and self-loathing.

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