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Ammon Bundy Will Pardon All Covid Convictions

General Election is November 8th, 2022

Ammon Bundy Will Pardon All Covid Convictions

Ammon Bundy Will Pardon All Covid Convictions

On March 25, 2020 Governor Brad Little issued a state-wide stay-at-home order, requesting Idaho Sheriffs, City Police Chiefs and Idaho State Police to enforce his lock-down order. Many Idahoans were arrested, jailed and suffered through state prosecution.

People like Sara Brady are still being prosecuted by the state of Idaho today. What was her crime? Taking her children to the park. Christians were arrested for holding church service outside. Hundreds of concerned Idahoans were cited or arrested for attending public meetings without masks. Robert Jones is in jail today, wrongfully sentenced to 6 months for peacefully demonstrating on a public street against masking our children in schools. What was his crime? Pounding on a Home Depot bucket on a city sidewalk for less than 10 minutes.

As governor, my pardoning pen will be RED HOT! As the head of the Executive Branch, I intend to check and balance the corruption and political bias of the Judicial Branch. Sara Brady will be pardoned along with the many others who rightfully opposed Governor Little’s liberal lock down orders.


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3 Comments on Ammon Bundy Will Pardon All Covid Convictions

  1. As the Democrat and Republican parties of Idaho merge
    into one left, global establishment political party, the Uni-Party,
    patriotic conservatives of Idaho should run as independent candidates
    to outmaneuver the fraudulent and immoral Uni-Party.

  2. They did much more than arrest these people. They destroyed the entire country to have their back pockets filled by Big Pharma, one way or another. These Public SERVANTS have NEVER been given powers to do any such things – EVER. They destroyed the livelihoods of the People, for their own gain. I call this treason. I call for their EXECUTION.

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