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Why You Should Vote For Asia Williams As District 2 Commissioner

As part of a private high school civics class comprised of students in the 7th through 12th grade levels, students were asked to write opinion editorials on topics of their own choosing which reflect current themes in governance and policy-making. Over the course of the next few weeks the class will be tracking the views of and commentary on their op-eds with the goal of generating as much meaningful community engagement as possible. Awards will be given to the students who most successfully generate meaningful community engagement with their op-ed. Thanks so much for partnering with us to create this experience for the children and teaching them to be actively involved in the governance of their community!

Why You Should Vote For Asia Williams As District 2 Commissioner

By HSC15

Asia Williams is the best candidate for Bonner County District 2 Commissioner. She is a Conservative Christian who is liberty minded and constitutional. Her vision and goal for Bonner County is to update our comprehensive plan and secure responsible growth for the area. For those of you who don’t know what a comprehensive plan is, Mrs. Williams summarized it as “a voice of the people of Bonner County and what they would like to see in the county”. For example, zoning is something that the people want to see growth and development however there were some disagreements with how the commissioners interpret things like rezoning. She says that “It’s important for us to understand the current document and how to use the document to ensure that it’s meeting the goal of the people of our county.”

In Mrs. William’s Pamphlets for her Campaign, one of the headers is named Communication. Under this header it states “From law enforcement to city employees, communication and collaboration is needed. I will use my education and training in leadership and communication to bring our country together.” She got her MBA from the University of Phoenix; she has graduated Magna Cum Laude which means her lowest grade was a -A. She also has a degree in English from the University of Washington and is a licensed nurse. So, it’s safe to say she is a very intelligent woman.

She says she has tried to influence the decisions as a constituent and it’s been unsuccessful and that if there was a better candidate to choose, she wouldn’t run for Commissioner. Asia Williams is a candidate that is for the people of Bonner County and will stand for the people and make the right decisions to make our country grow in the most positive way possible.

How I personally feel about Asia Williams is that she is a smart educated woman who sets goals and standards and is determined to achieve them. She was very humble when I interviewed her and she gave me tips on how to interview, considering that this was my first time. When she speaks, she has a very strong voice and is confident in how she is speaking and what she is talking about. I think Mrs. Williams is the right person for this position, she lets us know that she is for the people of Bonner County.

Asia Williams Website.
Link to Watchmen Ministries of North Idaho Voter Guide.

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4 Comments on Why You Should Vote For Asia Williams As District 2 Commissioner

  1. “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able MEN, such as fear God, MEN of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers….” (Exodus 18:21)

    “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)

    “But I suffer not a woman to … to usurp authority over the man….” (1 Timothy 2:12)

    This is not to say that the men in positions of civil leadership are any more biblically qualified than are today’s women – they’re not.

    You can thank Article 6’s Christian test ban (by which mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated) on both counts.

    For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

    Then Chapter 28 “Amendment 19: The Curse of Women’s Suffrage.”

    • Two references are out of context and the third is strong meat that takes some maturity and understanding, and is not on point.

      • I happen to know the author is barely 15 yes old. This was their first time doing anything like this. I can appreciate the sincerity coming from the author, as they communicate the great impression that Asia left on them.

        I would counter that it is not necessarily a college education that gives us intelligent or necessarily qualified candidates, but it certainly helps with the ability to clearly communicate with the public. This is an important skill to possess for a commissioner candidate, especially since this community is starving for more transparency.

        Well done! To the author and also to Asia Williams, for making such a lasting and positive impression on our youth.

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