Will North Idaho Turn Blue in the May Primary?
by Shari Dovale
North Idaho is a solidly Red, Conservative area. Arguably the most conservative area in the most conservative state in the Union. That is why it is under attack by the Democrat-Socialist-NWO. Could they be succeeding?.
The gerrymandering has been confirmed by the State Supreme Court and the Conservative favorite, Rep. Heather Scott, has been moved out of her district to get lost in the neighboring area around Coeur d’Alene. The Senator for the northern region, Left-leaning Jim Woodward, has no interest in talking to his constituents. And the remaining representative, Sage Dixon, does not hide his Big Government-Big Pharma-Big Corporate ties.
A typical mid-session townhall was scheduled for this past weekend, and Senator Jim Woodward held true-to-form and did not bother showing up. Woodward has recently hit the news with his four-letter, foul-mouthed tirade against Candidate Branden Durst in Boise.
Durst, along with Sen. Christy Zito, presented a bill favoring parental rights called the “Idaho Parental Freedom in Education Act.” Woodward showed his Commie bias by voting to not allow the bill to be printed or allow any public debate. The disagreement between Woodward and Durst escalated to a shouting match after the hearing, after which Woodward cried the victim and attempted to distract the public from his horrendous Anti-Parent vote.
His voting record is already on the block for the voters, as they have seen his voting with Democrats more than a little.
The Idaho Freedom Foundation gives him a current score of 25% and a lifetime score of 49%
He can say what he wants about not liking the organization, but the voters tune in to see how the legislators are scored on Liberty-related bills. It means something to them, as there are very few that have the time to follow the individual bills themselves.
Another conservative organization that has scored Woodward’s votes is the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACU). They have given him a lifetime rating of 57 %. That is an extremely poor rating for anyone with an “R” behind their name.
Woodward is still avoiding the voters, and will probably continue hiding until forced out from under the bed in time for the primary this May.
His opponent is a known conservative, Scott Herndon. The challenger’s stance on the issues can be found here: https://herndonforidaho.com
and don’t forget to look at the comparison between the two candidates here: https://herndonforidaho.com/herndon-vs-woodward/
Rep. Sage Dixon has made lots of headlines recently, and most of it bad. He is no longer a favorite in his district, and in some opinions, should seriously reconsider whether he wants to put himself through this election.
The people are repeatedly challenging him on his Big Government ties, including his seeming desire to push the ARPA money on the voters, calling the concerning phrases “boilerplate.”
Dixon did attend the townhalls this weekend, and there are several videos from the various events:
Related: Watch – Sage Dixon Town Halls 02/05/22
Dixon has been questioned on numerous occasions about his ties to Big Pharma. He has received multiple donations from medical related organizations and PACs. His connection to the globalist think-tank American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), also has many of his voters concerned.
ALEC is known as a leading promoter of rewriting the constitution through an Article V convention. They are also well known for their partnerships with Big Pharma and pushing for mandatory vaccines. ALEC is a big corporate “Bill Mill” and Sage Dixon is their Idaho State Chair.
ALEC, as well as each legislator on their membership list, has directly tied themselves to the Globalists, Big Pharma, and the NWO. For any of them to deny this is to deliberately deceive you. For them to minimize this connection is for them to embrace the class system of the Socialists and move themselves solidly into the Leftists camps.
Dixon’s response to questions on his Big Pharma connections include telling folks that it is up to the donors to decide if there is a conflict of interest, not him. He feels that his voters should blindly trust him not to be influenced by his donations, after all… they have known him for years, right?
Related: Sage Dixon is Not the Guy We Thought We Elected
Dixon has changed over the years since he was first elected, or so many thought. It is quite possible that he has not changed and he has always been a closet Liberal. Regardless, we do not need someone representing us that has openly admitted that he “Likes being a politician.”
Dixon’s challenger is Todd Engel. A political prisoner that spent years in prison until the 9th circuit appellate court recognized the abuse by the government against him, Engel came home to North Idaho to quietly live his life. When he saw the abuses in Boise, and saw Sage Dixon going unchecked on his own personal agendas. Engel stepped up to be an advocate for the people.
Learn more about him here: https://engelforidaho.com/
Rep. Heather Scott is the local darling whose constituents wanted to continue voting for her as long as she agreed to run. She was hated by the left, including by her local seat mates, and is known as the major stopping point keeping the Left from gaining a foothold in District 1, the northernmost district in Idaho.
The redistricting committee, with a bow to the left as well as Sage Dixon, has moved Scott out of District 1 and into District 2. She now has a travel distance of 4.5 hours to get to the other side of her new district.
As the seat is now considered an “Open” seat, there have been many candidates to jump in to the race.
- Travis Thompson is a long time Bonner County resident and well known to the local republicans.
- Chad Catron was born and raised in the Northwest, and wants to be a freedom-minded, conservative advocate in the state house.
- Adam Rorick has recently moved to Sagle, Idaho, has a background in law enforcement and wants to be a voice for the people
The filing deadline is not until March, so there could possibly be other candidates to announce. This will certainly be an interesting election cycle in North Idaho. Will it remain red, or will the incumbents turn it purple, or even blue?
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I called out Woodward from the beginning of his run as a RINO. Nothing more than a Shawn Kehoe hand puppet. Having Scott Herndon replace him will be a step forward for conservatives in Idaho.
Sage? Haven’t liked him from the moment I met him and my initial instincts proved correct. Where does Sage’s wife work? For Bonner County in Dan McDonald’s very office. Oh say it isn’t so that one RINO gave another RINO a favor that put money in his pocket.
And finally Heather Scott. Near as I can tell Sage, who used to love Heather, now hates her. Good thing your buddy Redmond was on the redistricting committee that gave Heather the royal shaft, right? The left and the RINO’s hate Heather’s guts. I mean they have to right? She is after all one of the very few politicians in Idaho telling people the truth. She refuses to play her role in the Kabuki theater like Sage, Woodward and most of the rest.
Thanks for this piece. Scream it from the rooftops.
Solidly conservative!?!
There’s Only One with the authority to determine what constitutes conservatism and by His standard the majority of those today claiming to be conservatives (Republicans, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, etc.) are merely right-leaning liberals (at best).
Anyone today who swears to or promotes the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land is not only not a conservative, he’s an idolater.
Idolatry is not so much about statues as it is statutes, such as what one considers the supreme law of the land.
There can only be one supreme law: 1) The Constitution, per Article 6, or 2) Yahweh’s triune moral law, per the Bible.
To futilely attempt to meld the two is to be as double-minded as were the Israelites on Mt. Carmel with Elijah: Why halt ye between two opinions? If We the People (a contemporary form of Baal) be God, serve them. If Yahweh be God, serve Him!
For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/biblelaw-constitutionalism-pt3.html
Then Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.”
See also blog article “Could You be a Disciple of Baal and Not Know It?” at https://www.constitutionmythbusters.ORG/could-you-be-a-disciple-of-baal-and-not-know-it/
Also blog article “Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?” at https://www.constitutionmythbusters.ORG/could-you-be-a-disciple-of-baal-and-not-know-it/
You sir might be just a tad bit crazy.