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Boundary School Bond: Enough is Enough!

Please vote “NO” on March 8th at your usual polling location

Boundary School Bond: Enough is Enough!

Boundary School Bond: Enough is Enough!

The Boundary County School District is up to their old tricks again. They are asking for the residents of Boundary County to pay for ANOTHER school bond, this time in the amount of $16.4 million.

The prior $20 million bond is almost over, so here comes another one. The $20 million bond was touted to build a new high school because the old high school would cost more than that to renovate the school. The bond was passed and the high school was then used to house the junior high school. So much for that farce.

Now, the school district is telling us they need the money from this bond to build a new Valley View Elementary School. Of course they won’t tell everyone that they are receiving ARPA money in the amount of $3,554,699, which my understanding is that BCSD is planning on accepting these funds despite the attached strings.

Idaho is receiving ESSER 1-2-3 funds in the amount of $683,687,149 and Boundary County School District’s share is $990,288. ESSER is “Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief” and is part of the CARES Act Funding Sources. CARES is Corona-virus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act.

If the BCSD maintained their schools as they should be doing, then the need for replacing new buildings would be unnecessary. The vote for this school bond for $16.4 million is set for March 8th, with no other voting taking place.

This is their usual plan to have a vote when the residents do not realize this is happening. The school sends fliers home with all of the kids, they have kids manning phone call banks and to tell the voters that this is “for the children.”

Keep in mind that property taxes will be increasing, specifically because of the influx of new residents paying exorbitant prices for homes which is how our homes are reassessed by our county assessor. Add to that the change in the “circuit breaker” which will mostly affect lower income and elderly folks. If your property is assessed at 115% of the median value of county residences, then a property owner will no longer qualify for the tax break. This was passed by our state legislature and there will be many folks in our community faced with the prospect of losing their homes when they can no longer afford their house payments because of the increase in their property taxes.

Please vote “NO” on March 8th at your usual polling location. Enough is Enough.

Donna Capurso,
Boundary County Resident


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