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Week From Hell: Joe Crashes and Burns

It's been a real bad week for Dementia Joe

chaos Week From Hell: Joe Crashes and Burns

Week From Hell: Joe Crashes and Burns

by Shari Dovale

The Biden Regime took it in the shorts this week as everything began to fall apart on them.

A highlight of the week for Dementia Joe was that he attempted to gain support of his election cheating bills by comparing opponents to racists, segregationists, and confederates but failed miserably.

Lyin Biden Compares Himself to Republicans and Opponents to Democrats

More crash-and-burns for Lyin Biden include:

Inflation Increased a record 9.7 percent

The Supreme Court practically spanked Biden when they blocked his mandate to force large employers to vaccinate or test their workers.

Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin, W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, Ariz ensures the Filibuster will survive the Senate

Crazy Uncle Joe’s Voting Bill is Dead in the Senate.

The radical Soros-backed Prosecutor in Baltimore has been indicted for fraud.

Court rules against Facebook and allows antitrust lawsuit to move forward.

GOP is calling for documents on the origins of Covid.

Senator introduces Bill to get “Moron” Fauci’s financial records.

mRNA pioneer reveals CIA psyop pushing COVID-19 hysteria and vaccines

Oh my! Those are just the top headlines for Biden’s Week from Hell! We could continue on with several others, however we will just leave you with this tidbit:

Biden approval rating in Quinnipiac poll drops again — to 33 percent

One wonders if any Democrat will fess up and tell Joe that he needs to go home now? Either way, it has been a great week for the good guys, and a bad week for Dementia Joe.


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