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Lyin Biden Compares Himself to Republicans and Opponents to Democrats

Joe Biden was friends with George Wallace and bragged about an award he received from him

Biden Compares Himself to Republicans and Opponents to Democrats

Lyin Biden Compares Himself to Republicans
and Opponents to Democrats

by Shari Dovale

A highlight of the week for the Divider-in-Chief was that he attempted to gain support of his election cheating bills by comparing opponents to racists, segregationists, and confederates – but failed miserably.

In Georgia, where even Stacy Abrams tried to hide from him, Crazy Uncle Joe gave a speech that tied his opponents to well known Democrat Racists.

“Do you want to be the side — on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? ” ~Joe Biden

Biden compared himself to Dr. Martin Luther King, a Christian Republican that promoted Civil Rights through nonviolence. He compared his opponents to George Wallace, a Democrat that declared he was for “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

It is funny that he should be slamming Wallace as he previously praised him. Joe Biden was friends with George Wallace and actually bragged about an award he received from him.

Biden then took the side of John Lewis, a Democrat race hustler who actively worked to incite race hatred and widen the racial divide, while linking his opponents to Bull Connor, a Democrat whose brutality and violence against civil rights activists contributed to Ku Klux Klan and other violence against blacks.

Biden then said he was on the side of Abraham Lincoln, a Republican that staunchly promoted republican values and called the Declaration of Independence the “sheet anchor” of republicanism. His opponents were compared to another Democrat, Jefferson Davis, who ineffectively led the Confederacy during the Civil War.

Biden wants to be known as a good guy, and even said during his campaign that he would Unite the Country, yet he has done more for division of the people in this country than anyone else in recent history, including the one-that-shall-not-be-named.

Labeled as a moderate during his campaign was just another lie spewed by the Democrats, as he continues to show his vitriol against anything conservative.

Biden is a racist. He does not want anyone to remember that, but the country will never forget it.

Democrats Projecting Racist Narrative Should Look in the Mirror of Their Own History
Democrat Joe Biden, pictured with Sen. Robert Byrd, who once said, “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.” (AP photo/2008)



Related: Democrats Projecting Racist Narrative Should Look in the Mirror of Their Own History

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2 Comments on Lyin Biden Compares Himself to Republicans and Opponents to Democrats

  1. The two absolute dumbest most brain dead inept incompetent
    least self aware incapable and totally clueless persons on the
    entire planet are now president and vice president (senile Biden
    isn’t sure which is which)running this country, all due to a rigged

  2. Biden the Bum is a longtime and known crook, chronic liar, and race supremacist who has made no bones about displaying his dislike for minorities. His gleeful associations with known klanmembers–past and present–and eulogizing the fiends at their funerals as his “friend” and “mentor” speaks volumes to his current sinister schemes against all Americans, bar none. Add the fact that The Bum’s willing partnership with the vile “Dr” Fauci Mengele and his own murders of black and hispanic orphans during the 1980s and presently says a lot about Biden the Bum and the hostile takeover of the US by the Dark-Web Democrats and their co-conspirators.

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