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Lawmakers Fail To Protect Idahoans From Forced Vaccines

Idahoans should be furious that lawmakers engaged in this pathetic charade

Lawmakers Fail To Protect Idahoans From Forced Vaccines

Lawmakers Fail To Protect Idahoans From Forced Vaccines


Boise, IDIdaho Freedom Foundation Vice President Dustin Hurst issued the following statement upon the adjournment of the 2021 legislation session:

Idaho lawmakers have failed at their most sacred task: protecting the rights of Gem State citizens. On Wednesday, lawmakers finished their elongated 2021 session. Let’s look at their accomplishments. 

Did they do anything to protect the medical privacy of Idahoans whose employers are demanding personal information? No. 

Did lawmakers pass legislation to stop school districts from masking students? No. 

Did lawmakers do anything to protect those who might be harmed by the experimental vaccines? No. 

Did Idaho lawmakers protect the liberty of vaccine-skeptical Idahoans who don’t want to be treated as second-class citizens in society? Nope. 

What then did lawmakers accomplish during the three-day special session that concluded Wednesday afternoon and cost taxpayers more than $100,000? 

They sent a strongly-worded letter to Congress and extracted a pound of flesh from a good conservative lawmaker during a bogus ethics hearing. 

This is a complete and total abdication of duty. And the blame rests largely with House Speaker Scott Bedke, Senate Pro Tem Chuck Winder, and Gov. Brad Little. For months, desperate Idahoans begged these three politicians to act to save jobs, lives, and livelihoods. They didn’t. 

Instead of listening to the will of the people, Little, Bedke and Winder did the bidding of special interests that want to continue the medical tyranny unfolding in Idaho. This trio thwarted commendable efforts by principled conservatives to put an end to vaccination by intimidation and threat. Those conservatives deserve thanks of Idahoans across the state. Bedke, Winder, and Little do not.

Where is this headed? More Idahoans will be coerced into getting an experimental vaccine with potential adverse effects or face financial ruin. All due to failed leadership from those they helped elect. One thing is certain, many of those who torpedoed efforts to defend freedom will next year campaign on defending Idaho from federal government overreach. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Lawmakers should be ashamed. Idahoans should be furious that lawmakers engaged in this pathetic charade. 



Related:  Medical Freedom is Center Stage in Boise

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