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Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

Abrar Omeish is the daughter of prominent U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader/jihadi Esam Omeish

Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

by John D. Guandolo

Why are some citizens in Fairfax, Virginia “shocked” the graduation speaker at Justice High School openly supports jihad, and the student leading the Pledge of Allegiance included the phrase “…one nation under allah?”

The graduation speaker, Fairfax County School Board Member and sharia-adherent muslim Abrar Omeish, told the audience in English, Spanish, and Arabic, “Be reminded of the details of your jihad.”

See the video of Abrar’s comments here.

Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

When she spoke in English Abrar used the word “struggle,” but “jihad” when speaking in Arabic.

Abrar Omeish knows that the legal definition of “jihad” is “warfare against non-muslims.” How do we know this?

Abrar Omeish is the daughter of prominent U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader/jihadi Esam Omeish.

Esam Omeish was the President of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim American Society (MAS), and the National President of Muslim Students’ Association of US and Canada in the 1990’s.

Esam Omeish, praised by Virginia democrats and republicans alike, was forced to resign his position on Virginia’s Commission for Immigration when a video from December 2000 surfaced in 2007 showing Esam Omeish saying: “We, the muslims of the Washington metropolitan area, are here today in sub-freezing temperatures to tell our brothers and sisters (fellow muslims) in Philistine that you have learned the way that you have known that the jihad way is the way to liberate your land.” See the video here.

Esam Omeish also praised Islamic martyrs – jihadis who died for the sake of allah in combat. See that video here.

Muslim Brotherhood leader Esam Omeish (mispelled by CSPAN) speaking at event hosted by communists of AnswerCoalition in 2007

For decades, Fairfax County leadership – school board, police chief, city council, chamber of commerce, think tanks, U.S. Congressional Representatives, and others – have submitted to Islam, befriended Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and advanced the Islamic Movement in Virginia by commission and omission.

As has been demonstrated by a mountain of evidence over nearly 30 years, the Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR – was created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Section which is Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States government.

See UTT’s statement of facts that CAIR is Hamas here.

If that is true, why would any police organization work with CAIR, much less publicly promote them and their work?

In November 2006, Fairfax Police Chief David Rohrer spoke at the 12th Annual Hamas/CAIR Conference and said, “I want to thank you for inviting me here tonight.  It’s certainly a privilege to be here, and certainly on your theme of ‘Connecting and Sharing.’  That’s what it’s all about…As CAIR is helping police departments to better understand the Muslim community, I ask that you all help us bridge the understanding and policing to the community…Let us embrace diversity in our community as strength, not a barrier.”

Former U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Comstock, who has recently stepped out to publicly attack former U.S. President Donald Trump, works with and continues to promote their hostile jihadi operations in America. It should be noted, Comstock was briefed by UTT about these threats and Muslim Brotherhood leaders with which she works.

Congresswoman Barbara Comstock with Muslim Brotherhood leaders including Mohamed Magid, former President of ISNA and current Executive Director of the ADAMS Center in Sterling, VA

One of the most dangerous mosques in America for over, Dar al Hijra Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia was founded by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and has been led by TERRORISTS from its founding. Yet, police leaders, religious leaders, FBI leadership, and others in Fairfax County conduct “outreach” to the jihadi leaders of Dar al Hijra.

See UTT’s video detailing these terrorists at Dar al Hijra here.

As UTT has been encouraging for years, citizens of Fairfax County must force their local elected and appointed officials to deal with the jihadi network in their area or much greater dangers await them.


About JG

John Guandolo is a US Naval Academy graduate, served as an Infantry/Reconnaissance officer in the United States Marines and is a combat veteran, served as a Special Agent in the FBI from 1996-2008, and was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense to conduct strategic analysis of the Islamic threat. He is the President and Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT).


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