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Departing From Reality

These Democrat morons would destroy a socialist country just like they are destroying our constitutional nation

Departing From Reality

Departing From Reality

by Pete Ketcham

Many of us, myself included, have stated that our nation is being turned into a socialist/communist nation, but for that to happen, it would require those who are promoting this socialist/communist government to have a measure of common sense, logic, and an ability to see reality, but they lack all three.

Even the world’s existing socialist/communist country leadership have to rule from a basis of reality, yet the woke Democrat liberals such as AOC and many more are completely devoid of logic, common sense, and reality. Their agenda is based on illusionary illogical concepts which have absolutely no chance of working as they envision, and in many cases achieve the apposite effect.

What is actually happening to our nation is the assumption of power and control by the most degenerate, ignorant, and incompetent group of people in our nation’s political history. They are completely incapable of any logical governance, be it constitutional, socialist/communist, or any other system, they are only capable of destroying this nation with their insane policies.

This insane destruction of our nation is manifested in many ways, some which reflect some characteristics of socialism or communism, but there is no logical move to another form of government, just destruction and chaos of the existing one.

There are literally dozens of examples of this incompetent illogical agenda that is being played out in our nation today. To list them all would require a very long article, but the following three are typical examples:

Climate Change (formerly global warming)
This is the most devastating fraudulent issue to ever impact our nation. It is an unproven “theory“ that impacts our entire energy foundations of electrical power, all forms of transportation, heating/cooling of structures, factories, power plants, dams, agriculture (food production), etc. To illustrate the departure from reality in this area, the liberal Democrats are tearing out power dams and shutting down power plants (creating present & future power blackouts), while the Chinese communists are logically building new ones to meet their future power needs.

All of the major cities governed by Democrat mayors and councilmen/women are out of control lawless hell holes. Their police departments are defunded and demonized, their DA’s no longer prosecute criminals, setting them free without bond to continue their criminal activities, the murder rate is through the roof and rising, and the homeless are increasing every day as they take over the public areas.

Critical Race Theory (CRT)
This agenda has no basis in reality, and is designed to cure a non existing race problem, but in fact, the process is creating a major race problem throughout our entire nation. This disastrous agenda is being embedded into our education system, our military, the corporate world, politics , and many other areas.

If you handed these Democrat morons a socialist or communist country, they would destroy that country just like they are destroying our constitutional nation. These moron politicians are only concerned about one thing, and that is their political survival. They will do or say anything, whether it is unethical, illogical, or illegal to maintain their position of power.

And so, I have become less concerned about our nation involving into a socialist/communist country, than it being destroyed by the emotional, illusory, incompetence of the liberal democrats as they completely depart from reality.


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