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ALL Public Education is Racist and Should Be Abolished!

The Leftist Socialists have screamed about this travesty enough. We hear you!

Public Education is Racist

ALL Public Education is Racist and Should Be Abolished!

by Shari Dovale

The Woke mob has done us a great service. They have identified that public education is inherently racist.

Every course can be traced back to racism. From math to spelling to physical education (PE), they can show you why it is all racist.

Oregon has already told us that requiring students to show their work in math class is a form of White Supremacy and racism.

Now, the Virginia Department of Education announced that it will eliminate accelerated math classes in all public schools. The idea being that since many students cannot figure out higher math, then no one should be allowed to learn it. The answer is to dumb-down the entire student population.

Spelling and Grammar are Racist as well! Teachers at the University of Washington, Tacoma now must allow students to use “non-standard spelling” (also known as incorrect spelling) and accept that the idea of “proper grammar” is a racist concept.

Rutgers jumped right on board with that theory and also declared Grammar to be racist. English Department pledged to incorporate ‘critical grammar’ into the program and will change its standards of English instruction in an effort to “stand with and respond” to the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you read bedtime stories to your kids then you are ‘Unfairly Disadvantaging’ others because reading is racist.

Even Physical Education is under attack, with a report from Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo issuing a report titled: Whiteness and (Anti)Racism in Physical Education

University of Cape Town students say witchcraft is no less valid than Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity, therefore Science is racist and should be abolished.

Sheffield University now says that Physics are racist because Isaac Newton supposedly benefited from ‘Colonial-Era Activity.’

Newton is not the only celebrated British scientist to fall foul of the woke mob, with samples collected by English naturist Charles Darwin being swept up in a review of potentially “offensive” exhibits at the UK’s Natural History Museum in September.

In February, for example, the University of Leicester scrapped studies in Medieval English, including Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales and the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowolf, in favor of courses centering around diversity, race, and sexuality.

The government’s universities minister, Michelle Donelan, has warned that the leftist push on campus is similar to the Soviet Union’s efforts to “whitewash” history.

The so-called decolonisation of the curriculum is, in effect, censoring history,” she said, adding: “It otherwise becomes fiction, if you start editing it, taking bits out that we view as stains.”

These are not new concepts. Remember Ebonics? Dr. Robert Williams, an African-American social psychologist, came up with the term in 1973 with the goal of making a word for the sounds that black people make when speaking. The ideas of teaching Ebonics in schools have been floated for decades.

Ebonics was the short-lived Oakland (CA) School Board’s approved program (1996) to teach  black students to parse the way they naturally spoke and wrote at home, in the neighborhood, and with friends just as Standard English had to be acquired.

The School Board resolution recognized Ebonics–a combination of “ebony” and “phonics”– as the “primary language of African American students,” not a dialect of English. Decades earlier, such speech had been labeled “Black English.” Renamed, the School Board set policy to teach Ebonics to African American students to improve their reading and increase their academic achievement.

The Leftist Socialists have screamed about this travesty enough. We hear you! It is time to abolish all Public Education!

The government should not be allowed to continue teaching our children these terrible racist courses.

That should be left up to the parents.

It is time to require Homeschooling!


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