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Open Letter to Governor Little by Anita Perry

I returned your “Happy Thanksgiving” greeting card, I find it offensive in light of what you have inflicted on Idahoans this year.


Open Letter to Governor Little

I am a lifelong Republican who has lived in Sandpoint for 16 years. I am a three-term precinct committeewoman on the Bonner County Republican Central Committee and have also served on the board.

I have returned your “Happy Thanksgiving” greeting card I received last week to let you know that I find it offensive in light of what you have inflicted on Idahoans this year.

Repeated shutdowns, “essential” and “non-essential” designations of businesses, ongoing onerous restrictions of our personal lives, and “recommendations” for mask wearing that have turned into citations and fines for non-compliance in some communities have caused unprecedented strife and division throughout the state. Under the guise of caring for public health, hiding behind the advice of unelected bureaucrats, you have revealed yourself to be very much in line with the worst governors in the country who are milking the COVID situation for all the federal funds they can get while remaining tone deaf to what is going on in their constituents’ lives.

Bonner County has been, and still is, affected very little by COVID. With more than 51,000 residents, there have been four deaths and a few hospitalizations in the last nine months, not out of the ordinary during any regular flu season, yet we continue to be subjected to your blanket edicts. This makes no sense, and attempts to ignore them come with the cost of having service refused and venues denied. Also, our hospital has cancelled, since the beginning of your first edict, four programs important to citizens’ health because of COVID fear. My husband’s cardiac rehab was among them. Kootenai Health then cancelled theirs, leaving him without options. So the long-term effect on citizens’ health caused by irrational COVID fear fueled by your edicts is becoming very apparent, and not because we have been exposed to the virus.

It is time to reverse course, now. Let citizens do what most of us are doing anyway: engage in responsible, common-sense behavior when it comes to our health. Set an example for the rest of the nation and stop the tyranny.

Anita Perry
Sandpoint, ID


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