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The Democrats Demand A “Ministry of Truth”
Covid 1984

The Democrats Demand A “Ministry of Truth”

October 20, 2020 2

The Democrats Demand A “Ministry of Truth” by Shari Dovale The Radical Extremists on the Left have allowed themselves be driven by their Hatred for Conservatives, and anyone that does not fully agree with their [Read More]

WATCH: A Warning From Dr Carrie Madej
Video Articles

WATCH: A Warning From Dr Carrie Madej

October 20, 2020 0

WATCH: A Warning From Dr Carrie Madej   Her first video posted June 25 2020, titled “”Urgent information on Covid Vacc!ne”     Truth and Freedom, posted Jul 27, 2020  (Links in description of video) [Read More]



October 20, 2020 0

EPISODE 20-35 JAMES WESLEY RAWLES INTERVIEW   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland [Read More]


Our Enemies Are Waiting

October 19, 2020 1

Our Enemies Are Waiting by Pete Ketcham Even though we are presently focused on the internal politics of our nation, which is indeed critical, our nation still has dangerous and capable enemies that wish to [Read More]

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