Throw It Against The Wall
By: Jeremy Conlin
You can witness the character of the Democratic party by noticing what they say versus what they do. Currently, Jay Insley, Gavin Newsom and Barack Obama are blaming the wildfires in Western states on man-made climate change. An interested person would think they would rely on honest science before playing such a blame game. Joe Bastardi’s “The Climate Chronicles” details repeatedly why that claim is false. Briefly, fires were worse before settlers
entered and have been decreasing for decades. The majority of current fires are man-made and proper forest management reduces the likelihood and impact. Who knew that the Governors and the ex-President knew more than the trained scientists.
This election season is likely to see so many more violins playing the false claims regarding climate change: Ice shelves, polar bears, hurricanes, etc. It is worthwhile to make the time to read “The Climate Chronicals” and Roy Spencer’s “Global Warming Scepticism for Busy People”.
Last week, the National Weather Service got around to declaring that La Nina has formed. Of course, it took a while to document the cooling of the Pacific Ocean which lessens the moisture onto the West coast, which leads to drier air even to the Great Plains, a warming of the Atlantic Ocean and more severe storms onto the East coast. It all is connected, and mankind has not created any of it.
Don’t be fooled by the negative personalities of the Left.
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