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Brainchild of the Communists

The Red communists seek to exploit the natural ambitions of the black community.

Brainchild of the Communists

Brainchild of the Communists

It is just propaganda that black people are kept in ignorance because of white people – it is the brainchild of the Communists to gain a foothold.” This is the words of Manning Johnson, a black 1960’s former Communist who saw the light.

The following is excerpts from:

Manning also warned others that the Red communists seek to exploit the natural ambitions of the black community. They are not interested in helping them but in using them for their purposes and when they get through with the African American, they will make them work for the communists. And when the African American rebel, they will bring the red armies from China and Russia to crush them with arms. “You can’t play with those devils without getting burned.”

The “reds” are using the blacks as pawns in a game that is bigger than they are. The communists thrive on friction, tension, violence and hate. They want more federal regulation to take away power from the states. When that happens then we are on the road to dictatorship. The root of racial unrest in the country is the clammy cold hand of Communism.

We need to bring America back to sanity. Let us pray and work that the misunderstandings, the bitterness, hate, frustration and tensions may disappear. “And that the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Charity, may prevail again amongst our people.”

Maureen Paterson
Priest River, ID


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1 Comment on Brainchild of the Communists

  1. There is something important to understand about this, ” The communists thrive on friction, tension, violence and hate.”…and that is the fact they attribute that to evolutionary struggle (Darwinism) and Dialectics.

    Which means that no matter what you say they will be in opposition…unless placated with undue rewards. They will be amicable for treats.

    It is fatiguing and wearisome to be harried by someone else’s evolutionary struggle and dialectics…and eventually the treats run out.

    Reminds me of the old Highwayman greeting, “Hello sir, if you would but lend me your Watch and Wallet, or by God, you shall be robbed.”

    That is amusing on the face of it…but what are the function of Watches and Wallets….Time and Money.

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