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Inslee Destroying the AgriTourism Business

Meanwhile, next door in Idaho, the legislature is attempting to stop the emergency rules throughout the state.

Inslee Destroying the AgriTourism Business

Inslee Destroying the AgriTourism Business

by Shari Dovale

Gov. Jay Inslee has shown repeatedly that he is not concerned with the citizens, or the economy, in Washington State. His income is assured, and that seems to be all that matters. The people that elected him to look out for their best interest are no longer important.

Inslee said, through a press conference and written guidelines, though he is encouraged by the overall dropping numbers Covid 19(84) for the state, he has turned around and placed further restrictions on many citizens and businesses.

Under coronavirus rules released last week by the Overlord, many farmers are now under threat of $10,000 fines (per day) if they continue to operate. Here is where he goes off on all of the family fun and children’s learning experiences of the Agritourism industry.

According to Scrooge Inslee, agritourism is defined as a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or processing with tourism in order to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertaining and/or educating the visitors and generating income for the farm, ranch, or business owner.

Christmas tree farms, u-pick berry farms, corn mazes and pumpkin patches are now under threat if they attempt to operate outside of his mandates. Additionally, hay/wagon/train rides, haunted houses, children’s play equipment, live games, farm equipment exploration, inflatable jumping houses, animal viewing, petting areas, paintball, and campfires are not at all permitted.

Though he makes it clear that, whenever possible, operations should be held outdoors, he is now targeting these same outdoor businesses that generate a huge portion of their annual income in the fall.

Oh yeah, he is also ‘encouraging’ them to switch to mobile, credit card, or other cash-free payment options. Cash is just so… dirty.

Keep in mind that a judge in Tacoma used the excuse that the governor wasn’t the one actually enforcing the rules as his reason to throw out a class-action lawsuit headed by Tim Eyman and Franklin County Commissioner Clint Didier.


Meanwhile, next door in Idaho, their legislature is attempting to stop the emergency rules in the state through legislation. During their 2020 Extraordinary Session, the Idaho House has passed HC1, a resolution to end the emergency in Idaho. That now moves to the Senate. The House also passed, unanimously, H1, which ensures voters be provided the opportunity for in-person voting regardless of a state of emergency.





Further Reading: Phase 2 Agritourism Guidance.pdf


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