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Wake Up Redoubt – 20-06 – Fourth of July

State leaders attempted to shut down celebrations of Independence and Freedom, but the citizens were not having it.

Wake Up Redoubt – 20-06 – Fourth of July

Wake Up Redoubt – 20-06 – Fourth of July

Featuring Shari Dovale and Bret Roush, with Redoubt News.

Episode 20-06, recorded on July 5, 2020

In this episode, we discuss the updates on Covid 19(84), Antifa/BLM protests in Seattle and further, and Shari’s speech at the NW Leadership Rendezvous.

From Jeff Rutan:

End of June COVID-19 status report for the 32 US States I track (top 30 in total death count + Oregon & Idaho). More variations in curve shapes here than in the countries in my previous post. All these charts are new deaths per day with a 7-day smoothing window (Mar 20 to Jun 30).

Draw your own conclusions from these chart and all the other info you can find. Do notice a lot of the states in the upper part have daily deaths in the hundreds at their peaks and a lot of states in the lower part have peak daily deaths in the teens. Nearly all states and US territories not shown here have fewer than 500 total deaths – many (including Idaho) have less than 100 total deaths.

For insight into some of my own analysis – especially why the case charts look so dramatically different from the death charts, see my long comment under Ray Fix’s comment on my previous post today.

NOTE: That ENORMOUS SPIKE at the end for New Jersey (NJ) is the result of that state changing their reporting policy to include “probable” deaths without confirmation of having COVID-19 (added 2043 new deaths in one day). That spike when adjusted for population is over 4 times higher than the New York (NY) state peak. But it will eventually be rolled back into the history data instead of showing as just one day. Then the curve for NJ will rise some throughout but will remain about the same shape as before the spike – and still not as large in magnitude as the NY curve.


Protester hit by car on I-5 in Seattle dies, another remains in serious condition:


Freedom Celebrations:

The citizens of this country are brilliant! Although the state leaders attempted to shut down all celebrations of the Country’s Independence and the people’s Freedom, the citizens were not having it. Celebrations were seen all over the country.


Enjoy the full speech given by President Trump at Mt. Rushmore on July 3, 2020:


Resources for today’s podcast:


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