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An Unprecedented Constitutional Violation

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An Unprecedented Constitutional Violation

An Unprecedented Constitutional Violation

Idaho was thrown into severe economic distress in March when Governor Little declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus. It was an unprecedented constitutional violation to basically lock up the entire state. He waited until the Legislature was out of session to do it and has refused to call them back to deal with the issue, meanwhile issuing edicts extending the shutdown and using the state police in some cases to enforce it.

Without consulting with the Legislature he unilaterally decided which businesses were “essential” and “not essential”. In the latter category, you were out of business.

Needless to say, unemployment skyrocketed from a record low 2.5% in February to a record high of 11.5% in a matter of two short months. In Bonner County it reached an all-time high of 16.8% even though there were only a couple of cases at the time and now only 6, while counties like Boundary, Shoshone, and Clearwater never had any cases at all, yet also got punished with the shutdown.

On April 26 he said we may never get back to normal until we get a vaccine or “herd immunity”. That won’t happen any time soon, so be prepared for lingering restrictions and more edicts.

Idahoans for the Recall of Governor Little think he has done enough damage, and a statewide grassroots effort is underway. Petitions are available for signing at the Army Surplus Store in Sandpoint and at Sheepdog Supplies on Hwy 95 in Sagle, next to Fry Creek Animal Clinic.

Recall Governor Brad Little! Go to:

Sherie Clipson


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