Liberal Clickbait Tabloid Misrepresents Lawmaker
by Shari Dovale
Here is another example of how the Lame Stream Media Leftists Liberal Propaganda machines keep getting it wrong.
If you follow the liberal press on social media, you might have seen this pop through on your timeline:
Then, if you clicked through to the article, you would have seen this:
As you can see, the article headline and story have changed. The local tabloid wants you to CLICK through to their article, so they BAIT you with misrepresented facts of what was said.
That is the definition of CLICK BAIT. It is also FAKE NEWS.
Idaho State Representative Vito Barbieri (R-Dalton Gardens) has always been on the side of common sense. He has stood for the citizen repeatedly in his tenure as a legislator in Idaho.
Over the years, the leftist wannabe journalists in the local liberal tabloids have attacked him for staying true to his conservative roots. This is a typical leftist script for someone attempting to get rid of a good conservative legislator.
Now they are trying again.
The tabloid clickbait writers are counting on everyone only reading headlines, and not doing any research for themselves.
So they turn the narrative against a good man, to distract everyone from the real story that 42 million babies were killed last year through abortion.
So the Socialists will turn Planned Parenthood into victims just to keep you from thinking about the true agenda. They want the legal right to kill babies.
Here is the video clip, so you can judge for yourself:
Oh, and by the way, this is the same greenhorn that told another whopper about the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee and their Lincoln Day dinner. I think that one might be be hard pressed to find anything nice said from that particular writer when it comes to Christian Conservatives.
This the KCRCC’s Vice Chairman – Don Bradway response to the Coeur d’Alene Press Article:
I want to set the record straight as to last night’s event and Craig Northrup’s attendance. I was in charge of our security team for the Lincoln Day dinner. We had established a safety protocol that said no one was allowed into the banquet room unless they had purchased a ticket and this applied to everyone, even KCRCC members.John, one of the security team members, saw a gentleman (Craig) sitting at a table at the back of the room. Craig was taking notes and had a camera with a very large telephoto lens attached to it. John and I approached Craig and asked him if he had a ticket and he said he didn’t but he’d been invited into the banquet room by Brent Regan. I asked him to step out into the adjacent hallway so we could discuss the matter without creating a “stir” with those in the banquet room. Craig proceeded to pack up his camera and notepad and then he, John and I moved into the hallway. I was surprised that he packed his gear because I just wanted to get his side of the story and wasn’t, at that time, prepared to ask him to leave the dinner.
Craig said that Brent had invited you and that you, by inference, had told Craig to attend in your in your place. Craig spoke with Brent, who asked Craig if he had a ticket, to which Craig said he was there in Mike Patrick’s place but he did not have a ticket. Brent told Craig he could stay but to do so in the back of the room and to “be unobtrusive.”
John saw him there with his camera and notepad and was concerned so that’s when John and I asked Craig to step out into the hallway. At no time did I tell him he wasn’t welcome or that he had to leave. I did tell him that I needed to speak with Brent in order to get both sides of the story. Craig then said, “You know, I have better things to do, like go home and see my son.” I said he could stay but to please be patient while I conferred with Brent. Craig then turned and left, even after I said he did NOT have to leave and we just had to get the issue cleared up.
I went inside and spoke with Brent while one of our speakers was talking to the guests. Brent told me what he’d told Craig and I told him Craig had chosen to leave. We both shrugged and said, “Oh well.”
At no time was Craig “forced to leave” as his last paragraph reads in this morning’s article and he would have been invited back in had he chosen to stay while I got the story straightened out with Brent.
Mike, those of us who were aware of the issue were wondering how this morning’s article would treat the issue and, sadly, we weren’t too far off. I truly resent what Craig wrote as that is NOT the truth. I’d like to see a retraction, please.
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