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Benefiting the District, not the Taxpayer

Now LPOSD is defending November’s faulty ballot with a team of five attorneys

Benefiting the District, not the Taxpayer

Benefiting the District, not the Taxpayer

At a forum held at Sandpoint’s Community Hall shortly before last November’s permanent-levy election, LPOSD school board member Geraldine Lewis was asked whether it is fiscally responsible to pay its Chief Financial Officer, Lisa Hals, over $10,000 a month.

Her response, quoted in the Daily Bee: “I will say that Lisa Hals, our CFO, is an amazing asset for this district” … “She is paid a lot, but at this time it is worth it for this district”.

Perhaps for the district, but not for taxpayers.

Hals is responsible for the faulty ballot language of the permanent levy.  It violated Idaho law, which required a statement of how much citizens would be paying per $100K of assessed property value if the levy passed, and Hals left that off.  Citizens were therefore casting an uninformed vote and had no idea of the impact on their tax bill until a week after the election when the bill arrived in the mail.

Hals has a track record of years of faulty levy ballot language and levy literature.  This “amazing asset” makes $12,869 a month, which works out to $154,431 per year and is significantly more than the Governor’s salary.  Plus, she collects an annual bonus in the thousands.  Her salary has even been funded from supplemental levies in years past.

Now LPOSD is defending November’s faulty ballot with a team of five attorneys, paid for by taxpayers to the tune of $60K (so far), courtesy of the slipshod performance of CFO Lisa Hals.

Respectfully submitted by:
David Banning
Clark Fork, Id.


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