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Liberty State Radio: Global Warming Fraud

Liberty State

Liberty State Radio Episode 20

Global Warming Fraud



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1 Comment on Liberty State Radio: Global Warming Fraud

  1. There are four very simple facts these Lefty-Liberals will not acknowledge:

    #1 This Earth can only sustain 2 billion people without burning fossil fuel – John Deere does not run on batteries… so, what to do with 5 billion dead bodies?

    #2 The “deal” Trump wisely backed us out of would have taxed USA and sent this money to the #1 and #4 producers of CO2 – Chairman Mao’s China, and India…

    #3 Every time you as a consumer purchase a product “Made in China” or Vietnam, you are supporting their Communist Government’s decision to move from a self sustaining food system that is mostly carbon neutral to urban factory workers (very high carbon footprint) who then have to buy food grown on commercial farms using millions of gallons of diesel fuel… plus, much of it has to be imported from USA (more heavy crude oil being burned in marine diesels)

    #4, a 6th grader knows there is no price for a train ticket to Hawaii…. as AOC wants to replace air travel with trains…..hmmm

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