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Idaho Non-Profit Wants to Hold LPOSD Accountable

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Idaho Non-Profit Supports Holding LPOSD Accountable for Statute Violation

Idaho Non-Profit Supports Holding LPOSD Accountable
for Statute Violation


In the recent November Bonner County levy, the Lake Pend Orielle School District (LPOSD) violated the Idaho statute requiring the ballot language to include the specific amount taxpayers will be required to pay. Omitted was the fact that the levy increases property taxes by over $200 per $100,000 of your property’s assessed value. This language is important to allow taxpayers to make informed decisions.

It is reasonable to ask if this violation is more than a simple oversight. Was this language intentionally left out to mislead voters? Are our elected officials acting with accountability to their constituents? If not, what can you do about it?

Affecting change at the federal level is challenging, but we should hold local officials accountable at all cost. The final check and balance of good governance is the people. We often limit our voices to the election cycle, but it’s our duty to inform our officials of any concerns, especially as they relate to Idaho statues. If we are ignored, it remains our duty to follow through by any lawful means.

Idaho Tax Watch is an Idaho nonprofit corporation created to make sure that our local government is acting transparently, with accountability to its constituents, and follows Idaho statutes. Idaho Tax Watch is dedicated to resolving constituent concerns by providing support and funding for necessary legal challenges.

To learn more about Idaho Tax Watch, please visit and consider making a donation to help in our effort.


By Idaho Tax Watch Board of Directors



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