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Baby-Killing Governor is Afraid of 2A Supporters

All weapons, including firearms will be banned from the capitol grounds

Baby-Killing Governor is Afraid of 2A Supporters #StandWithVirginia
Hundreds of gun supporters rally at the Statehouse in Concord, New Hampshire. (AP Photo / Jim Cole)

Baby-Killing Governor is Afraid of 2A Supporters

by Shari Dovale

The Baby-Killing, Blackface Governor of Virginia is making every attempt to instill fear into the populace ahead of a gun rights rally planned for next week.

To further his “Guns Are Bad” agenda, Ralph Northam must include the people that are in favor of the Constitution and the Second Amendment as being bad as well. He has done this by declaring a State of Emergency for the rally.

All weapons, including firearms will be banned from the capitol grounds

Martin Luther King holiday is traditionally known as “Lobby day” in Virginia politics. Lobbyists and other advocates use the day to petition lawmakers. It is also traditionally when proponents on both sides of the gun control debate hold rallies.

This year, law enforcement officials are expecting thousands of gun-rights advocates to attend a rally organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL).

From their website: VCDL is a non-profit, volunteer based, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to championing the human rights of all Virginians and to the premise that The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

But Northam made his intentions clear during a press conference on Wednesday. Claiming to have “credible intelligence” that there are groups with “malicious plans,” the man who went by the nickname “Coonman” in college has attempted to stir up fear of anyone that might be attending this rally.

This does not seem to have deterred anyone from attending. There is still the potential of thousands traveling across the country to be there for their neighbors in Virginia. 




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1 Comment on Baby-Killing Governor is Afraid of 2A Supporters

  1. I believe that northam is trying to foment a violent confrontation that can then be exploited by the leftist media. If he cannot provoke it any other way, antifa or other agent provocateurs will ensure that gunfire erupts such that peaceful 2A attendees will have no choice but to defend themselves.

    On the good news side of things, West Virginia is offering to accept counties that secede from Virginia. This is HUGE and a great way to hollow out the Tyranny of Virginia. Link to the story:

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