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READ: GOP Witness List For Show Trial Hearings

Adam Schiff should be a fact witness but is leading this impeachment circus instead

GOP Witness List For Show Trial Hearings

READ: GOP Witness List For Show Trial Hearings


by Shari Dovale

Rep. Devin Nunes is the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes has released the GOP witness list, which (of course) is expected to be shredded by Adam Schiff, the ringmaster to the Impeachment Circus.

Keep in mind that the Democrats have already set the stage for your President, and by extension YOU, to have absolutely no Constitutionally guaranteed rights in this process.

They made up the rules, and they control the show. If they do not like who is on the witness list, then they will not allow them.

The GOP witness list was included in a letter from Nunes to Schiff, dated November 9th, and presented below.

The witnesses include:

  • Devon Archer, a former board member of Burisma Holdings and long-term business partner to Hunter Biden.
  • Hunter Biden, former VP Joe Biden’s son and former board member of Burisma Holdings.
  • Alexandra Chalupa, a former DNC staffer who worked “with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C. to try and get political dirt on then-candidate Trump’s campaign.”
  • David Hale, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs,
  • Tim Morrison, the National Security Council’s former Senior Director for European Affairs.
  • Nellie Ohr, a former contractor for opposition research firm Fusion GPS
  • Kurt Volker, former ambassador to Ukraine.
  • The Anonymous Whistleblower (Alleged to be Eric Ciaramella) whose complaint over President Trump’s call with Ukraine started this entire impeachment circus..
  • Everyone else who “relied upon by the anonymous whistleblower in drafting his or her secondhand complaint.

Eric Ciaramella is a CIA analyst and alleged to be the anonymous whistleblower for several reasons. First, an excellent article was published on October 30, 2019 by Real Clear Investigations and authored by Paul Sperry, in which he identified the fake “whistleblower” who conspired with Adam Schiff.

Then there is the transcripts released earlier this week by Adam Schiff, in which he forgot to redact the whistleblower’s name. Apparently, Schiff posted the unredacted transcript on the House website and then, after realizing his faux pas, pulled it down later that night. But, as we all know, the internet is forever.

GOP Witness List For Show Trial Hearings

Afterwards, Donald Trump Jr tweeted confirmation:

Here is the full letter from Rep. Devin Nunes to the man that should be a fact witness but is leading the persecution instead:


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