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The Re-Sentencing of Schaeffer Cox

The sentence changed from 310 months to 188 months

The Re-Sentencing of Schaeffer Cox

The Re-Sentencing of Schaeffer Cox

November 4th, 2019;

Schaeffer Cox appeared at his re-sentencing hearing unrestrained and wearing a tan jail suit.  The courtroom was filled to capacity with family, friends and supporters.  Informant Bill Fulton was also in attendance. Presiding over the sentencing was 85 year old US District Court Judge Robert Bryan, the same judge that sentenced Schaeffer Cox to almost 26 years in prison on January 8, 2012.  The prosecution was again headed by the same Steve Skrocki from the 2012 trial.

The first witness called was Dr. Mark Cunningham, an expert psychologist that took the stand for the defense.  Dr. Cunningham stated that all former diagnoses concerning Schaeffer Cox’s mental health at the time of his trial were incorrect.  Schaeffer did not have psychological disorders and had never been medicated for mental problems.  The doctor described Schaeffer as a ‘prepper’, not a terrorist.

The defense played an audio of Bill Fulton trying to force Schaeffer to have a “plan” and Fulton is angry because there was no plan.. They also played an audio where Bill Fulton bragged about attempted murder.  Charles Formosa, investigator, and Michael Anderson took the stand for Schaeffer.  There were no witnesses for the Prosecution.

At the end of the day,  Judge Bryan stated that “I have a lot to consider over night…I will rule first thing in the morning on the guide line stipulations”.

November 5th, 2019;

Judge Bryan began sentencing guidelines at 35 points: broken down as 30 points for current convictions, 2 points for criminal history, and 3 points for conspiracy.  This point system translates into 188-235 months.  Cox’s public defender, Michael Filipovic asked for 120 months. Schaeffer’s original sentence was 310 months.  He has already served 120 months with time off for good behavior.  Prosecutor Skrocki asked for maximum time.  Schaeffer had the right to speak but chose not to.

Judge Bryan considered less time for imperfect entrapment but then decided there was never an imperfect entrapment. The Judge said that the convictions stand and the governments case was legitimate. Judge Bryan also said Schaeffer did not change from “criminal” activity and he believes Schaeffer is likely to repeat crimes.  The Judge believes Schaeffer’s website is a sign that he is not sorry.

The sentence changed from 310 months to 188 months (15 years and 8 months) with 5 years probation after that.  Filipovic is recommending a prison closer to family at FCI Sheridan, Oregon, a medium security prison, and the judge agrees to recommend that prison.  Schaeffer has served 104 months already.  That leaves 7 more years of prison, and hopefully, with a 15% credit for good behavior, Schaeffer could be out as soon as 5 years. Schaeffer has never harmed any of his alleged “targets”.

The Judge stated that:  “It is easy to be critical of the government informants, but the government was only doing what they had to do to keep dangerous people from doing something horrible…I don’t feel this is a case of entrapment, Schaeffer and his friends had plans of criminal activity. It didn’t have to be a detailed plan…prison is hard, I don’t think Schaeffer needs to be in a CMU, but its out of my hands, if it helps, you can tell the BOP I said so…Mr Cox is in need of therapy for his mental illness, his false beliefs, his feelings of the government, no evidence of his thought process has changed, and he tries to convince others he is not guilty and has attracted supporters.”

After this partially successful attempt for justice, only a full presidential pardon can restore Schaeffer’s rights.  President Trump has been experiencing the same type of treatment from our corrupt mainstream media, and the deep state would like to impeach him for offenses just as imaginary as those of Schaeffer’s.  There is still hope that some of the injustice in Schaeffer’s case can still be overcome with a presidential pardon.

Background Information:

In 2008, at the age of 26, Schaeffer Cox spoke at the Alaska Republican Convention, at which time the Lieutenant Governor spontaneously asked him to run for office in the Alaska Legislature.  He won 38 percent of the vote in the primary for a house seat.  Cox held large rallies in Fairbanks, Alaska in support of firearm ownership rights through his group “The Second Amendment Task Force and also led a smaller group called “The Alaska Peacemakers Militia”.   He was also the Alaskan delegate to the 2009 Continental Congress.

Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, and the FBI began surveillance of Cox as his popularity rose.  FBI agent Richard Sutherland testified at Schaeffer Cox’s trial, stating that when Schaeffer talked about the right to raise a well regulated militia in his Hamilton, Montana speech, the FBI became concerned about him.

During this speech, he also talked about how the Federal Reserve used our money as a tool of tyranny. He said the judicial system is designed to waste our time and money fighting in courts where we will typically lose after many years of effort, regardless of how strong the merits of our cases are.   He explained how agencies have circumvented the separation of powers as designed by the Constitution so that they may create, enforce and adjudicate law within their own offices. He also describes how the Federal Government buys the loyalty of states, counties and local sheriff offices by making them dependent on federal money.

Schaeffer Cox’s Ideas of self-governance are a peaceful approach based on the premises that a tyrannical government will self-destruct and the most productive thing to do is to start a replacement government, rather than to try to change the old government.  He advised his audience;  “Lets be characterized by what we love, and work towards that, and let what we hate run it’s own natural course.”  Schaeffer’s groups signed a Declaration of Unity, created common law courts, formed a militia and set up a Liberty Bell System to discourage, witness and record attempts of the government to conduct warrantless searches.

Schaeffer Cox had also angered state and federal authorities by openly accusing them of drug trafficking and child prostitution.  Oil pipeline service company executive, Bill Allen, who had been spared prosecution on multiple counts of sexual abuse of minors in exchange for his 2008 testimony against pro-2nd Amendment Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, was among those implicated.  Schaeffer Cox said: “The State Wide Drug Taskforce supplied children for sex to a number of state and federal officials in exchange for those official’s cooperation in concealing the ongoing illicit drug trafficking activities of the State Wide Drug Taskforce,”.

The FBI used Gerald “JR” Olson, a career criminal, and a hired informant named William “Bill” Fulton’ to infiltrate Schaeffer Cox’s groups. When Fulton failed to get Schaeffer to make threats or become violent, the FBI resorted to filing a complaint against Schaeffer to the Alaskan Office of Child Services.  OCS then planned to take custody of Schaeffer’s son Seth.

Instead of becoming violent as the FBI anticipated, Schaeffer and his family took refuge at U.S. Fort Wainwright, and then fled towards Canada.  Provocateur JR Olsen disabled the Cox family car, forcing the family to stay in his attic for 21 days.  Olsen then told Schaeffer he had arranged for a truck driver to take the family to Canada, but instead he had set Schaeffer up to be either killed or taken into custody. On March 10th,  2011 Schaeffer Cox was taken from the attic to a deserted industrial lot in Fairbanks where he believed he would meet the ‘truck driver’ Olson had promised. There was an FBI ambush of out of town agents who did not know Schaeffer Cox was a well respected local political voice with popular support.

FBI Special Agent Richard Sutherland supplied JR Olson with an unregistered, nontraceable pistol and instructed him to “put it in Schaeffer’s lap then get under the truck so there will be some thick metal between you and him when the shooting starts.”  The FBI’s plan was interrupted when the owner of the industrial lot happened upon the scene and started asking questions about why men with masks and machine guns were hiding around the corner.

All charges against Schaeffer were dropped on the State of Alaska level. On the federal level, the district court appointed Steve Skrocki as prosecutor and tried Schaeffer as a terrorist for the crimes of ‘solicitation of murder of federal agents’ and ‘conspiracy to murder federal agents’ and other gun charges.  Their case was based on a statement recorded by informant Fulton that lead Schaeffer to agree that if federal agents killed his family, he would kill federal agents “2 4 1” (2 for 1).  The FBI withheld exculpatory evidence that would have proved Schaeffer was innocent. He was sentenced to 26 years in federal prison by a jury that was not allowed to hear the truth.  Schaeffer’s friend, Coleman L. Barney was sentenced to five years in federal prison, Lonnie Vernon and his wife, Karen Vernon, were sentenced to 25 and 12 years, respectively.

In August 2017, a panel of three Circuit Judges; Graber, Clifton, and M. Smith, reversed the conviction of solicitation of murder against Schaeffer Cox.  The solicitation of murder charge was based on a hypothetical situation that informant Fulton had raised to get Schaeffer to state he would kill federal agents.  Since the “federal agents that had killed his family” were fictional, the crime of solicitation of murder was not possible to commit.  However, the court did uphold the conspiracy charge, reasoning that the conspiracy does not have to be possible and there can be a conspiracy to murder fictional characters.

Schaffer has been in the worst two prisons in the United States since 2011.  The prisons at Terre Haute Indiana and Marion Illinois have CMU’s (Communication Management Units) designed for terrorists.  They are prisons within prisons with a predominant population of muslims, some of whom exercise jihad against the Christian inmates. During November of 2018, Schaeffer witnessed the beheading of one of his friends, and the stabbing of another.  Prisoners are limited to three 15-minute calls a month and all visits are strictly no-contact.  Schaeffer did not get to visit with his children for  many years and only then because he was temporarily allowed outside of the CMU into the general population of the prison.

As Schaeffer stated in his Hamilton, Montana speech:  “We know in our guts that something is horribly wrong”.  The monster in our government that Schaeffer referred to is also in our courts.


An FBI Frame Up And A Rigged Trial!
“Schaeffer Cox – The Solution to Reclaiming Liberty”:  Conservative Party Meeting, Hamilton, Montana Dec. 1 2009
U.S. Observer  newspaper article series: “Federal set-up, The conspiracy to entrap Schaeffer Cox” by Kelly Stone


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1 Comment on The Re-Sentencing of Schaeffer Cox

  1. FBI, another set up of their target. This goes back to Randy Weaver, LaVoy Finnicum and others who have either lost their lives, or had their lives ruined. Where is Daniel Love? Disgusting, FBI still spinning out of control.

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