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Qualified Candidates Need To Apply

Holding Elected Officials Accountable To We The People!

Qualified Candidates Need To Apply

Qualified Candidates Need To Apply

By Tim Ravndal

Many across America have taken notice of a patriot that has been before many groups speaking about the Constitution as it was written.  KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor that was torched for teaching the Constitution.  She set a precedent by refusing to sacrifice liberty.

She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the historic foundation of America. KrisAnne is a fierce warrior on behalf of the people of America constantly looking to light that brushfire in the minds of the people to take back our Constitutional Republic.

It is a well known phenomenon that older generations of American citizens are tired, and more modern generations are being indoctrinating into not caring.  Socialism is knocking at the door of every level of government where the peoples’ rights are on the menu.

If we attend a meeting, the room is often filled with those that are part of the system working to protect and enhance that very system.  The citizens rarely get to the meetings or follow the process in advance of decisions. This brings us to the question of what can we do?

In the best case scenario the elections will bring forward qualified candidates that are committed to protecting and defending the Constitution.  Unfortunately we have elections that put one class of American Citizens in one corner and the other class in an opposite corner. And…they come out fighting!

The idea that only qualified candidates could apply rings true in both the left and right corners of society.  However, has there ever been anything submitted to the electorate for such purpose?  We all can attest that most of the political positions today may take an oath of office as required by law, but does that mean anything?

Way too many politicians swear to the oath but it is very transparent soon after election day that the words spoken were made on a hollow political promise.  Right versus Left will continue to take center stage unless we can force the will of the people on our government.

KrisAnne was asked to bring forward an idea that has been talked about and kicked around for many years. Seeking to ensure that only qualified candidates could serve at all levels of government seems like an great idea.  The question rises; How can we make that happen?

The first step is for the people to take back education and insist on accountability with all politicians.  Here is a short video produced by our patriot friend that sets the stage.

To take a closer look at the elections, many are once again claiming that the 2020 election cycle will be the most deciding election in American History.  Will we have qualified candidates?  How can we seek out and place that demand before election day?

KrisAnne has put together an application to be filled out by candidates and promoted by the citizens of this great country. The application created is set for the people to evaluate candidates applying for a job. The application also is a way for the people to screen applicants before a job offer is even made.

If the job is then offered, it is mandatory that to keep the job, the employee of the people must defend the Constitution, our Rights and Liberties.  A full understanding of the U.S. Constitution is mandatory at all levels of government.


Political Prisoner Foundation Event In Idaho

Don Bradway contributed to this article.

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