Gun Prohibition Is Always About Control
The lame stream media and their cronies, on the Far Left, never miss an opportunity to dance on a victim’s grave in an attempt to steal your RIGHTS. They pick, choose, leave out, and sometimes even make up the information that you are exposed to, in an effort to destroy this country and the Liberty that is your birthright. Their goal is total and sustained political power and control; in true Machiavellian fashion, the ends justify the means to these treasonous tyrants.
What if I told you that according to the FBI, in the past 20 years, crimes with guns have declined 70% and murders using guns have declined 50%? The UN wants our guns, but even UNODC admits that there are 93 countries that have higher murder and violent crime rates than the US; most if not all of these 93 countries have totally prohibition on the ownership of firearms. From the FBI stats you will also learn that you are four times safer at school today than you were in 1990. These stats are hard to believe if you drink the Kool Aid that is continuously being served by the media or our crazy Governor here in Oregon. You are more likely to be killed with a bat, fist, knife, or falling in a bathtub than with a firearm.
Not one sane person thinks that murdering a person or multiple people is a good thing, but sanity should also tell you that taking firearms from the law abiding will only allow insane criminals to commit their acts easier. 94% of mass public shootings in the US are done in Gun Free Zones; they should be named Free Murder Zones. Nearly every mass murderer has either recently got off of, or were still taking psychotropic drugs.
None of these stats that I have given you even matter. The fact is that our RIGHTS are antecedent to government and they have no right to take from us what was inherited from God and Nature. What we need to remember is that in the 20th century some 262 million people were killed by their own government, after their means of self-defense was confiscated; this was all done in times of peace. Only a fool would trust the jesters that run our state now; how can you trust people who won’t even obey their oath of office, and think they can write laws about anything?
In August we had the Odessa Texas and Dayton Ohio tragedies where 16 innocents lost their lives, but you never heard of the 3 mass murders that went on in Japan around the same time, because they didn’t fit the narrative. See, Japan is disarmed and among the lowest crime rates in the world; the murders that killed 51 people were done with knives and fire.
Gun prohibition is what it has always been about…CONTROL. The second amendment is the palladium of liberty and if we give that up, liberty will be dead to the world and the age of chains and tyranny will rule our posterity. If we turned in every gun, criminals and the government (I repeat myself) would still have them, and honest people would be served from the cup of sorrow. I will not comply, and I will not allow my Children and Grandchildren to be loaded into boxcars while I can still draw a breathe.
Chris Brumbles is the Columbia County Coordinator, Oregon Firearms Federation. He is also the Founder of the Oregon Irregulars 3%, and is the Northern Coordinator for SAPO/SASO
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“So what do you plan go do when the govt comes for your guns, either under a red flag law or by prohibiting what you already own? Call for a grand jury? Call the sheriff (who’s already at the door)? Or maybe just quote crap to them like you are to us?”
Any scenario involving any crime, just like the one you describe, can be prevented in fact. Which method of prevention works best, which works second best, which method of prevention works to move people further away from liberty rather than further toward liberty?
You describe exactly which method works opposite to the intended goal. Rather than a justice system in place to deter crime, what is in place since 1789 is a JUST-US system which moves excess wealth from those who produce it to those who steal it with fake government, just as it was intended when fake government was fraudulently imposed upon the American people in 1789.
The quotes are for people who have realized that – in fact – the government is fake. The government is fraudulent. The government is a criminal organization at the false Federal level. The federal government is not federal in any true sense of the word, it is National. The Federal Government is National Socialism by design: take from everyone and use the loot to take more from everyone.
The quotes are for people who have no clue as to what real government is in fact. Real government is a voluntary association for mutual defense, and it works very well so long as people volunteer, and so long as people so not allow themselves to be roped into fake government scams like the one put in place in 1789.
The quotes are for people who want to learn something about real government power as the real government is intended to be positive investment for the mutual protection of everyone from every single criminal, and especially from every single criminal working in a criminal mob. The idea is to prevent mobs from forming in the first place. The idea is to tear down mobs – like the fake federal government – once those mobs are in place.
If you prefer to remain ignorant about actual government, then you will get what you pay for out of ignorance in fact.
“People like you who argue forever and do NOTHING are as much a part of the problem as govt/leftists are.’
You don’t know me, and your insults only prove how ready you are to resort to attacking someone out of ignorance. My guess is that someone forming a lawful organization for the purpose of mutual defense is going to see your readiness to go into attack mode before you assess the target of your aggression. Common are cases of friendly fire.
“Globalists and communists don’t care about our Constitution and think it is invalid, like you do.”
A common mistake is to conflate, confuse, or commingle the Constitution with the Bill of Rights, as if one agrees with the other one. It was common among Americans to be aware of the dangers associated with giving absolute, arbitrary, dictatorial powers into the hands of a few people, such as what was done with the Constitution of 1787. The Bill of Rights was used to placate those against the National Constitution, so as to neutralize the power of the people who opposed the Constitution of 1787. The fraud works, and from the start each dictator in office at the top of the Pyramid Scheme created in 1789 ignored the Bill of Rights as standard procedure. If you think that the Constitution of 1789 has been “amended” with the Bill of Rights, then you are mistaken. The Constitution of 1789 afforded a few people in 1789 absolute power and it has been that way since. Why do you think the Judiciary Act of 1789 was put in place before the Bill of Rights was said to “amend” the Constitution? The criminals had to seize jurisdiction in every single case of controversy, so as to dictate every judgment, every sentence, and use that power to extort fake “loyalty” to a system of plunder: National Socialism.
“If your jury system is so good, why isn’t Hillary in jail for killing the Benghazi 4?”
People as a whole have lawful power, if they know it, and if they know how to use it. Criminals have absolute power if they can extort every threat to their power, or murder those they can’t extort. If you can’t see this then you may run into some very serious trouble given the fact that you demonstrate aggressive behavior out of ignorance.
“So why don’t you be the first to start? Gather your jury, create your subpoeona’s and hold your trials. See how far you get with your nonsense.
I know all about your common law courts argument, and it doesn’t hold water. It has deceived alot of people into spending all their money uselessly, and gotten many more into serious legal troubles where they’ve lost everything. It’s a scam, just an excuse to do nothing.
Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.”
That is a hard one to spell, but not as hard as bureaucrat.
Someone thinks that the world is run by “leaders” and “followers” as if someone is a paying member of the Cult of Might Makes Right: Subsidized Bureaucracy.
A Grand Jury is lawfully created so as to preempt crime in a geographical area as confirmed in the writing of Thomas Jefferson:
“The state is divided into counties. In every county are appointed magistrates, called justices of the peace, usually from eight to thirty or forty in number, in proportion to the size of the county, of the most discreet and honest inhabitants. They are nominated by their fellows, but commissioned by the governor, and act without reward. These magistrates have jurisdiction both criminal and civil.
If the question before them be a question of law only, they decide on it themselves: but if it be of fact, or of fact and law combined, it must be referred to a jury. In the latter case, of a combination of law and fact, it is usual for the jurors to decide the fact, and to refer the law arising on it to the decision of the judges. But this division of the subject lies with their discretion only. And if the question relate to any point of public liberty, or if it be one of those in which the judges may be suspected of bias, the jury undertake to decide both law and fact. If they be mistaken, a decision against right, which is casual only, is less dangerous to the state, and less afflicting to the loser, than one which makes part of a regular and uniform system.
In truth, it is better to toss up cross and pile in a cause, than to refer it to a judge whose mind is warped by any motive whatever, in that particular case. But the common sense of twelve honest men gives still a better chance of just decision, than the hazard of cross and pile. These judges execute their process by the sheriff or coroner of the county, or by constables of their own appointment. If any free person commit an offence against the commonwealth, if it be below the degree of felony, he is bound by a justice to appear before their court, to answer it on indictment or information.
If it amount to felony, he is committed to jail, a court of these justices is called; if they on examination think him guilty, they send him to the jail of the general court, before which court he is to be tried first by a grand jury of 24, of whom 13 must concur in opinion: if they find him guilty, he is then tried by a jury of 12 men of the county where the offence was committed, and by their verdict, which must be unanimous, he is acquitted or condemned without appeal.”
One individual does not suddenly decide to “gather your jury.”
The individual named “Mark” is creating a fictional version of a fictional argument between “Mark” and his fictional opponent, and none of his words have anything to do with me or the problems facing mankind.
Either people agree to defend each other from clear and present dangers to all life on earth or people do not do so, even if “Mark” is working for the Cult.
So what do you plan go do when the govt comes for your guns, either under a red flag law or by prohibiting what you already own? Call for a grand jury? Call the sheriff (who’s already at the door)? Or maybe just quote crap to them like you are to us?
Calling the Constitution illegal as the basis of your argument is a non-starter, and provides you with NO RIGHTS. I know rights come from God, but the govt doesn’t care. It’s also the baseline challenge from the radical left.
Political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and that’s why the 2nd amendment is so important and why the left wants to take them away so badly. People like you who argue forever and do NOTHING are as much a part of the problem as govt/leftists are.
Globalists care about “all life on earth”, as you say. Globalists and communists don’t care about our Constitution and think it is invalid, like you do. I care about American lives, in America, and our Constitution.
If your jury system is so good, why isn’t Hillary in jail for killing the Benghazi 4? At least it’s negligent homicide…oh but wait, there was no trial, or even a hearing for that now, was there. How about shaking down foreign governments for contributions to her ‘global intiative’? Whoa, no hearing there either. How about Joe and Hunter Biden? I could go on ad nauseum. Gimme a break pal.
The first “Gun Control” laws were passed in the South by Democrats. Their idea and intent was to DENY Black people to right to keep and bear arms! The Democrats and their TERROR wing, known as the Ku Klux Klan, didn’t want to face an armed Black person, they intended to lynch!
There is not ONE KNOWN CASE of a Black person being lynched, when that person was ARMED. The Democrat KLUXERS were cowards by nature, that’s why they hid behind their stupid looking robes and hoods!
There ARE known cases where an ARMED BLack person stopped the Democrats in their tracks, when he/she got out her firearn and put a stop to any and all lynching ideas!
The time is coming soon when we may have to do more than just talk about standing up for our 2nd Amendment rights, which have already been illegally taken. Our entire Constitution has been raped and pillaged while “we sit here idle”.
The days of lazy talk are coming to an end. We see it on the streets with Antifa and in DC with all of the crap they’re shoving down our throats. Prepare for what you know is coming. Stand!
“Our entire Constitution has been raped and pillaged while “we sit here idle”.”
It isn’t ours, and who exactly is we who sit here idle?
Since at least Waco there has been a very rapid growth in individual discovery of a fundamental evil festering at the National level, and people are actively (individually first and then a sum total of individual actions) acting in defense of that festering, National, evil.
Knowing what can be done lawfully, not “constitutionally” since the 1789 Constitution documents a crime scene – knowing what can be done lawfully – is vital before people begin to react violently as the festering National evil marches everyone into even greater despotism.
When people realize that rule of law is their lawful power to command, as volunteers, in grand juries, trial juries, elected or private prosecutors, elected or private magistrates, elected or private justices of the peace, elected sheriffs, or any other elected lawful government officer, then the swamp can actually be drained one lawful step at a time from accusation to presentment of a court date, then to trial, judgment, and sentencing by regular people NOT the government.
Since these infamous criminals at the National Level are routinely “getting away with murder” and more serious capital crimes against the law (treason) there should be no shortage of presentments, court dates, trials, judgements, and sentences done by regular people NOT the government. Clearly the criminals at the National level are criminals every single time they claim (and get away with) immunity from the statutes they falsely claim to be laws, the same statutes that injure so many innocent people every single day.
The Constitution is the “Supreme Law of the Land”. However, The Supreme Court has ignored that and instead uses “precedent” to decide cases and twisted logic to achieve whatever goals they wish. This has allowed govt to usurp all intended limitations and We the People have allowed it.
If you really think the Constitution is not ours as American Citizens then I suggest you think about moving to China. We won’t miss you. It is what makes us exceptional. Just because we have allowed men/women to ignore/destroy it doesn’t mean it is not valid. It needs to be saved and restored, then defended with “manly firmness”.
If you knew anything about our founding history, you would recognize the words “why stand we here idle” from Patrick Henry’s famous “Liberty or Death” speech. He was calling for action, not words.
“The Constitution is the “Supreme Law of the Land”.”
That is a false statement, a false statement born out of a demonstrable fraud that has enabled the festering evil at the National level.
The actual law of the land has been and is the common law.
“However, The Supreme Court has ignored that and instead uses “precedent” to decide cases and twisted logic to achieve whatever goals they wish.”
The author of the above statement describes the actual, ongoing, fraud that began in 1787 during the event falsely called a Constitutional Convention. The actual law has never been based upon lies told by criminal usurpers, and this is a fundamental truth, a maxim of actual law.
People at the time the criminals took over were keen to blow the whistle. The following example is such an example of such whistle blowing at the time the criminals took over, and the following statement is attributed to George Mason.
“The judiciary of the United States is so constructed and extended, as to absorb and destroy the judiciaries of the several states; thereby rendering laws as tedious, intricate, and expensive, and justice as unattainable by a great part of the community, as in England; and enabling the rich to oppress and ruin the poor.”
George Mason, 1787
George Mason is not a modern social justice warrior trolling the internet. George Mason attended the Con Con in 1787 and he refused to sign the so-called “Constitution,” which is falsely claimed to be “The Supreme Law of the Land,” as explained right there in that quote by George Mason.
George Mason exposed the crime during the so-called “RAT-ification” of the criminal document, and he voted against it, as did Patrick Henry and many other actual patriots.
The history of the law of the land is clear, and it is not a Registered Trademark, it is natural law applied by volunteers as people cooperate for the mutual defense of everyone from injury done to innocent people by guilty people, guilty people acting alone and guilty people acting in mobs. The actual law is the process that actually defends everyone from anyone: enemies foreign and domestic. The law of the land is the common law as explained by Lysander Spooner in his Essay on The Trial by Jury. The actual law is categorically not the existing device that transfers all excess wealth from those who produce it to those who steal it through obvious devices such as this legal fiction National Government farce.
“It was a principle of the Common Law, as it is of the law of nature, and of common sense, that no man can be taxed without his personal consent. The Common Law knew nothing of that system, which now prevails in England, of assuming a man’s own consent to be taxed, because some pretended representative, whom he never authorized to act for him, has taken it upon himself to consent that he may be taxed. That is one of the many frauds on the Common Law, and the English constitution, which have been introduced since Magna Carta. Having finally established itself in England, it has been stupidly and servilely copied and submitted to in the United States.” Lysander Spooner, 1852
If we as a people were to employ the law of the land we would have these traitors attending their court dates and common law juries with common law jurisdiction would decide any fact in the matter, judge guilt or innocence, and prescribe a lawful remedy in each case.
“It is a matter well known, and well understood, that by the laws of our country, every question which affects a man’s life, reputation, or property, must be tried by twelve of his peers; and that their unanimous verdict is, alone, competent to determine the fact in issue.”
U.S. Supreme Court
RESPUBLICA v. SHAFFER, 1 U.S. 236 (1788)
Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Philadelphia
February Sessions, 1788
So why don’t you be the first to start? Gather your jury, create your subpoeona’s and hold your trials. See how far you get with your nonsense.
I know all about your common law courts argument, and it doesn’t hold water. It has deceived alot of people into spending all their money uselessly, and gotten many more into serious legal troubles where they’ve lost everything. It’s a scam, just an excuse to do nothing.
Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.