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Fox News Goes Completely To The Dark Side

Fox News has walked away from their last remnants of trustworthiness.

Fox News Goes To The Dark Side

Fox News Goes Completely To The Dark Side

by Shari Dovale

In a recent Fox News poll, the network stated that the majority of Americans (51%) wanted the impeachment of President Trump.

This is disingenuous at the very least. Political hackery is closer to reality, however.

The political makeup of voters in the United States indicates that 31% of all Americans identify as Democrats, 29% as Republican and 38% as independent, according to Gallup.

The Fox News pollsters actually went too heavy on Democrats with 48% of those polled claiming to be Democrats, 40% Republican, and 12% independent. 

This is important to note because it does not give an accurate representation of Americans, though Fox News is trying to claim that it does.

A NYPost analysis concluded that the true numbers should have stated the split was more evenly divided, with 44.9% favoring impeachment and 44.4% opposing it.

Additionally, even if they want the impeachment process to continue, that does not mean they actually want the President removed from office.

So why is Fox News trying to sabotage the President? Everyone seems to have an opinion.

From Breitbart:

Emerald Robinson, chief White House correspondent for One America News (OAN), said that Paul Ryan, a board member of the Fox News parent company Fox Corp., hired a “polling firm run by liberal activists.”

Robinson said that the poll serves as “cover for GOP to impeach Trump.”

American Thinker:

There would have been no headlines and breathless anchors on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and ABC, nor any banner headlines in the Washington Post and New York Times trying to convince the nation that the citizenry is turning on Donald Trump.


It’s almost as if this poll and others like it are meant to create, not measure, public opinion.

Wayne Dupree:

The Dems desperately needed an “impeachment boost” and a CNN or MSNBC poll wouldn’t have the same “impact” as a Fox News poll would.

Fox came through for their Dem friends when they needed it most.

President Donald Trump:

From the day I announced I was running for President, I have NEVER had a good @FoxNews Poll. Whoever their Pollster is, they suck. But @FoxNews is also much different than it used to be in the good old days. With people like Andrew Napolitano, who wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice & I turned him down (he’s been terrible ever since), Shep Smith, @donnabrazile (who gave Crooked Hillary the debate questions & got fired from @CNN), & others, @FoxNews doesn’t deliver for US anymore. It is so different than it used to be. Oh well, I’m President!

Fox News is not a fly-by-night organization. They know how to verify their facts. They have been around long enough to build their credibility. Yet, they just threw it out the window in favor of the Liberal Logic. They have walked away from their last remnants of trustworthiness.

Those of us that have been watching have seen the slow slide, with the ouster of several conservative commentators. However, they seemed to have been attempting to hold onto a small thread for their audience. That is no longer true.

I lay this completely at the feet of Paul Ryan, who currently sits on the board of Fox Corp. His true colors came out and he was forced to step down as Speaker, and give up his seat in Congress.

Paul Ryan has led Fox News completely to the dark side.


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2 Comments on Fox News Goes Completely To The Dark Side

  1. I have read that the owner of Fox has put his very liberal son in charge of the news end of his business holding. It is might be that the son is making changes that are noticeable and unwelcome enough that I get my news from the internet now along with a lot of other people I know.

  2. Paul Ryan is a traitor: to himself and his country. Now Fox has added Mary Ann Marsh: a democratic strategist.
    Lachlan has completely dropped the ball, Rupert must be ashamed. RIP Fox; even people like Tucker, Sean, Laura, + some can’t fix the damage.

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