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Seattle Doctor Brings Transgender Program To Montana

In 2012 the clinic proudly recognized their funding opportunity from a grant from the Pride Foundation.

Desmond Napoles, 12 year old drag queen

Seattle Doctor Brings Transgender Program To Montana

By Tim Ravndal

Dr. Juanita Hodax is an endocrinologist from Seattle Children’s Hospital who brings another layer of social manipulation to Missoula Montana.

Under the direction of Dr. Hodax, the Missoula Community Medical Center is opening a new clinic to support transgender children. The Seattle Childrens Gender Clinic is expanding service offered for children’s pediatric service to Missoula through collaboration with the Missoula Medical Center.

Dr. Hodax purports to have specific training in supporting transgender and gender nonconforming children and adolescents.  The process that is now endorsed in public schools, provides an open door to children who are looking for answers as they enter puberty.

The new clinic in Missoula will provide a social roadmap for children and families.  Nurses working at the clinic are in a position to practice providing counseling and resources for children diagnosed with emotional needs that includes therapy.

The clinic is in place to interrupt puberty providing a window of opportunity to begin hormone therapy.  A new term of “Psycosocial” manipulation is associated with emotional and physical aspects of child development.

The new adolecent gender care clinic offers medical interventions including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Using drugs like Lupron interrupts the human natural process for 1 to 4 years providing for cross-sex hormone therapy.  The medical world is open to using drugs to manipulate natural development and is now becoming socially acceptable.

Community counselors are promoting programs like this to ensure there is a program in place to reduce suicidal tendencies in children.  Children that have trouble identifying birth gender are encouraged to seek a referral to begin a process of engaging in a medical intervention program.

Missoula Montana promotes primary care providers and pediatricians to recognize transgender children.  Gender dysphoria is another term now widely accepted as starting in early childhood.  The program further opens the door to social decay according to many parents that are concerned about programs like this.

Questions we are hearing very often include; Does a child recognize they are transgender or are they told they are just different.  Do children then become engaged in counseling to promote the program?  Is this trend gaining popularity in public schools and the medical world?

Dr. Hodax believes that it is very harmful for children to go through puberty they don’t want to go through.  One may need to further explore the term “Non binary” when dealing with the struggles growing teens have faced since the beginning of time.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

In public schools, the people are seeing a rise in counselors and school nurses treating and recognizing mental health.  In most schools across the country, special psychological training is not part of the curriculum in these professions.

“For kids who do get treatment for this diagnosis receive psycho-social support.  That treatment can then advance to include surgeries.  Patients getting treatment tend to have lower rates of depression and lower suicide attempts according to professionals promoting the program.

The new clinic is an expansion of the trend in Missoula where the Blue Mountain Clinic has been promoting gender care service for several years. This non-profit organization has exempted itself from eligibility of some grants and programs that fall under the control of the federal government.

The clinic provides for integrating family medicine with mental health and transgender care. It also offers reproductive care including providing abortions.


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8 Comments on Seattle Doctor Brings Transgender Program To Montana

  1. All of those involved are spiritually and mentally confused which God is not the author of.I do not support the mentally insane.They are an ABOMINATION before God.Too bad the attempted suicide rate does not actually increase with success.Put the evil out from among you.

    • Society has experienced a depredation of moral integrity and it is up to us to shine the light on government programs that bring and enhance the problem to our communities.

  2. Anybody that performs operations or assists in it should be arrested and treated the same as sex offenders. If a child is not judged able to have sex, vote, drive a car or drink alcohol then they certainly cannot give informed consent to surgery.

  3. Missoula. That’s all the story needed to say. Missoula is the gateway these kinds of deviants enter our beloved state. We need to plug and repair that hole. NOW.

  4. SICK and TWISTED.

    Don’t stray away from God the Creator of all things and his Son, Jesus Christ, otherwise, these Satanic variations will become all too real and you will become deceived and led astray to HELL!

  5. When I first read this I read that Dr. Hodax was an indoctrinologist. Which I suppose she is pushing this stuff.

  6. This insanity of the Left, perverting children’s minds. Like a little kid thinks this crap up without some pervert in a school or medical center convincing them to be something they are not. Gender confusion? Look in your pants, that will fix your confusion. It figures the leftist idiots in Zoo town figure this is a good deal.

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