Oregon Senate Scores BIG WIN over Walk Out
by Shari Dovale
With Democrats holding Super-majorities in both the House and the Senate in Oregon, as well as the Governor’s office, Republicans have little recourse to ensure their fight for the rights of the citizens will get a fair shot in the state
Republicans walked out of the Capital last week and, as you can’t conduct business without a quorum, the Legislature ground to a halt.
While rumors ran through the State as to the consequences of their strike, Republicans negotiated a deal to return to the Capital after a week.
Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick confirmed that Gov. Kate Brown was behind the agreement, negotiating with Senate Republican leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr., over the weekend.
The agreement allowed the Republicans to return, granting a quorum for the multibillion dollar school funding tax. The state Senate passed HB 3427 on a party line vote Monday afternoon.
Passing the massive tax bill came at a cost to Oregon Democrats. HB 3063, a measure to make it harder for families to opt out of required vaccinations, was abandoned, as well as Senate Bill 978, an Omnibus gun control bill that would make virtually every person that wants to defend themselves a felon.
Republicans had initially demanded a list of bills be abandoned, including House Bill 2014, which would lift the cap on damages juries can award for so-called “pain and suffering”, as well as demanding two bills they want to pass, including Senate Bill 1008, which would end the automatic referral of juveniles facing Measure 11 charges to adult court.
The horse-trading by Republicans did not give either side everything they wanted, however, it did allow each side to save face and prioritize issues important to them.
The Democrats got their mammoth tax bill, which is not guaranteed to be spent on schools, and the Republicans killed the mandatory vaccine and gun control bills.
Overall, it can be considered a win.
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