Senate Republicans Stand for Education,
Continue to Deny Democrats a Quorum
Funds in House Bill 3427 Not Dedicated to Education
*Editor’s Note: The Senate Republicans have continued their shutdown and failed to provide a quorum for four days, through Friday, May 10, 2019.
by Senator Kim Thatcher
May 9, 2019
SALEM, Ore. – Today, Oregon Senate Republicans stood up for educators by denying Democrats a quorum to vote on HB 3427, a backdoor gross receipts sales tax disguised as an education funding bill.
“A common thread we’ve continued to hear from the Democrats is that the money from this backdoor gross receipts sales tax will be used for education, but without a constitutional amendment, the funds are not dedicated to that purpose,” said Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr., R-Grants Pass. “Even worse, the majority party has already testified in the House Education Committee about re-allocating dollars from the general fund that would typically go to K-12 programs so the education budget won’t get the boost it really needs.”
Nonpartisan legislative council has provided detailed information about how the funds from the backdoor gross receipts sales tax are not dedicated to education without a constitutional amendment. Meaning, the dollars from the tax can be used for education or anything else, depending on how the majority party would like to spend it. It is not guaranteed to education or K-12 programs like the Democrats have promised.
“The Senate Republicans will continue the walkout until more progress has been made in ongoing conversations with leadership,” said Baertschiger, Jr.
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