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Church at Planned Parenthood – Full Video

The next services will be held on June 26, 2019.

Church at Planned Parenthood – Full Video

Church at Planned Parenthood – Full Video

by Shari Dovale and Bret Roush

Christian church services were held outside the Spokane, Washington Planned Parenthood building on Wednesday, May 22, 2019.

This is not the first time these services have been held, and it certainly won’t be the last. Once a month, Pastor Ken Peters, or one of several pastors, holds a worship service in front of the local Planned Parenthood.

Their website explains:

The Church at Planned Parenthood is NOT a protest. It’s a worship service at the gates of Hell. The Church at Planned Parenthood is a gathering of Christians for the worship of God and the corporate prayer for repentance for this nation, repentance for the apathetic church and repentance of our blood guiltiness in this abortion holocaust.

Hundreds of people showed up to hear uplifting music and pro life messages, as they stood outside on the grass and sidewalks. Guest Pastor was Greg Locke from the Global Vision Bible Church in Mt Juliet, TN. Locke is billed as the pastor that Planned Parenthood fears and liberals despise

There were a few protesters that seemed to be leftover from the previous day’s PP march. Even they got swept up by the music as they were seen dancing to the rhythms.

This is a movement that is picking up steam. There are several churches affiliated, as shown here: Churches

The next services will be held on June 26, 2019.

Here is the full video from the services this week.

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2 Comments on Church at Planned Parenthood – Full Video

  1. Excellent ! And although the abortion issue is outside my focus, it’s heartening to see religious leaders going active. Mr Peters comment about the apathetic – not to say milquetoast – churches is on point. High time that the spiritual and ethical leadership of our country man up, step into the shoes of the POLITICAL ACTIVIST AND REFORMER – Yesu himself – and discard their opiate of the masses…So long as church leaders remain cowed, the Pagans – and there are plenty of them – will have free reign.

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