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“Black Rifles Matter” Triggers Human Rights Director

Buscaglia not only attempted to publicly shame this man, but she also tried to have him fired.

“Black Rifles Matter” Sticker Triggers Human Rights Director

Black Rifles Matter” Triggers Human Rights Director

by Shari Dovale

Alaska State Commission for Human Rights executive director Marti Buscaglia has resigned her position due to the controversy she started over a bumper sticker.

The sticker in question said “Black Rifles Matter” and was on the back of a pickup truck owned by Brent Linegar, who has a plumbing and heating business that was doing business at the Human Rights building that day.

Linegar found two business cards on his truck, one of them being from Buscaglia, with “Please do not park this truck with that offensive sticker in this parking lot.” written on the back of the card.

The second business card was from the chief probation officer for Anchorage, Kendall Rhyne. Must Read Alaska reports that Rhyne is one of only four at his high rank in the state. Additionally, probation officers are not uniformed but are usually armed.

The two worked in concert by harassing the plumber, who had parked his truck in the parking lot of the Human Rights Commission. The agency shares a building in downtown Anchorage with the Corrections Department’s Probation Office.

There has been no word on whether Rhyne will face any consequences for his part in this disgrace.

Leaving the nasty note on the vehicle was only their first step. This could have been where it ended, as Linegar told KTUU that if someone had simply written him a nasty note and left it on his pickup truck he would have chalked it up to personal expression.

“Everybody wants to speak their piece, sometimes they leave a note on your car,” Linegar said. “I honestly wasn’t going to let it go any further than that.”

However, Buscaglia took it a step further by posting a photo of Linegar’s truck on the State Facebook page with the comment “In what world is this O.K.?”

Publicly shaming this man was not enough for her, apparently, as the owner of the building also got an email message asking him to fire Linegar.

This has all drawn the ire of Second Amendment activist groups around the country, and the attention of Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, who called for the state’s Department of Law to investigate.

After the uproar, members of the commission voted 5-2 to suspend Buscaglia from her job as executive director for 15 working days. She was also required to write an apology note to Linegar.

However, three days after this vote, Buscaglia announced her resignation, effective the day she was scheduled to return to work, April 26th. Presumably she will no longer be required to write the apology note.


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2 Comments on “Black Rifles Matter” Triggers Human Rights Director

  1. This reminds me of a bumper sticker I had on the back window of my truck. Someone at my place of employment complained to HR about it. I told the lady from HR that when the day comes me and you can walk out to the parking lot and I don’t read one bumper sticker that offends me we can bring a razor blade out and remove it. She said fair enough and took my side. As usual the individual that ratted me out name got leaked. Guess what that person’s car was riddled with LGBTQ stickers and my totally offensive sticker had nothing to do with that subject. So what did my sticker say? ‘Monica Lewinsky proved one thing? Liberals really do suck’. I got the finger a lot.

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