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Idaho HB 17 – Grocery Tax Credit

Be wary of any bill that has had major controversy around it for years, then is randomly passed unanimously

Idaho HB 17 - Grocery Tax Credit

Idaho HB 17 – Grocery Tax Credit

by Rocky Ferrenburg

The Grocery Tax Credit (GTC) has been a talking point in Idaho for quite some time. HB 17 has passed both the house and the senate. The bill has also been signed into law by Governor Little so next year we will see revisions in the Grocery Tax Credit come into play.

Revisions to the GTC are very popular. However, I think that there is a much better process that we could use to achieve the same goal.

The GTC is aimed at easing the tax burden on food items for Idaho residents. To better achieve this goal the logical concept would be to lower the tax rate on food products or rid the state of the tax all together. So why would the government prefer a tax credit?

The first reason would be the interest free loan that the government gets every year. Secondly, it remains in the best interest to convolute the laws, which artificially makes politicians specialists in their field.

Unfortunately, the “win” claimed here is really just kabuki theater. The main revision is the removal of the progression and implementation of the grocery tax between 2008 and 2015. The GTC is still the same.

I advise you to be wary of any bill that has had major controversy around it for years, then is randomly passed unanimously by both the house and the senate and signed into law with no hiccups.


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