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Democrat Politicians Are Irrelevant

Simply put, if Trump went North, he should have gone south, if he went South, he should have gone North.

Democrat Politicians Are Irrelevant

Democrat Politicians Are Irrelevant

By Pete Ketcham

Most political statements liberal Democrat politicians make concerning national and state issues, are totally irrelevant, as they are not based on logic or facts, but on their delusional opinions. I use the term irrelevant because that is the only way to truly evaluate the validity of the statements made by Democrats, as they have now become totally consumed and motivated by only two items, destroy Trump and get reelected. They have simply lost all logic, reason, and concern for the nation, replaced by their intense hatred of Trump and contempt for his supporters.

These Democratic statements all carry the same basis of contradiction concerning Trump, and that is, any policy direction he goes, is the wrong direction. No matter what trump does it is wrong, a recent example (among many) is withdrawing troops from the Syria conflict. If he had increased troops in that conflict, and General Mattis agreed with him, both Trump and Mattis would be portrayed as war mongers, but now that Mattis has disagreed with Trump’s withdrawal decision and has resigned, Trump is now portrayed as a fool who has endangered our national security, and Mattis is portrayed as a victim of Trumps recklessness, and will be invited “ad nauseam” on  CNN, ABC, CBS ect. to tell his story of trump’s incompetence.

Simply put, if Trump went North, he should have gone south, if he went South, he should have gone North. This is an additional reason the Democrat statements should be considered irrelevant, their juvenile logic has created a no win situation, “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t”.

The typical Democrat politician is very talented in making statements that sound like they have wisely studied the issue, and are now making a profound proclamation (Schumer & Pelosi), but their statements are, quite frankly, “BS’ from start to finish ( also known as total propaganda). It would be wonderful if the conservatives could dismiss these fictional statements as irrelevant and move on, but it is necessary to respond to these statements to counter the propaganda effect that is propagated by the liberal mainstream news media, and unfortunately in the process of refuting these fictional statements, it lends a measure of credibility to them, as if they were worthy of debate.

Even though the dumbed down voters believe the promises of the Democrats’s policy statements, reality shows the opposite results, California is a classic example of this. It is possibly that in the future there could be “an awakening” to the fact, that the entire agenda of the Democrats is based on fiction, and totally irrelevant, but it looks like it will probably get much worse before that happens.

In the meantime, Trump and his supporters must, by any and all means, point out the vindictive, contradictive  juvenile actions and statements of the Democrats that is undermining our national foundations.


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3 Comments on Democrat Politicians Are Irrelevant

  1. Re: “The typical Democrat politician is very talented in making statements that sound like they have wisely studied the issue…”
    An example is their use of the phrase “comprehensive immigration reform”. By putting “comprehensive” in front of something they do not want, it sounds meaningful to low information voters while, in reality, it means absolutely nothing,

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