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Outrageous Restitution Ordered for Todd Engel

TOTAL Amount of Restitution Ordered: $1,636,790.33

Outrageous Restitution Ordered for Todd Engel

Outrageous Restitution Ordered for Todd Engel


The following transaction was entered on 9/20/2018 at 10:37 AM PDT and filed on 9/20/2018:

Case Name:
USA v. Bundy et al
Case Number:

Document Number:
3342(No document attached)

Docket Text: 

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS – Restitution Hearing as to Todd C. Engel held on 9/20/2018 before Chief Judge Gloria M. Navarro.

Courtroom Administrator: Aaron Blazevich; AUSA: Daniel Schiess with FBI Agent Mike Abercrombie; Def Counsel: Warren Markowitz; Court Reporter/Recorder: Araceli Bareng; Time of Hearing: 9:20 a.m. – 10:01 a.m.; Courtroom: 7D; 

Defendant is present in custody with leg restraints.

The Court makes preliminary statements. Mr. Markowitz makes arguments regarding his position on restitution. Mr. Schiess responds.

The Court finds that restitution is mandatory in this case. The Court determines that the Defendant’s ability to pay restitution will not be taken into consideration in this case.

Mr. Markowitz makes arguments regarding the inability of government employee wages and costs to be imposed as restitution. The Court finds that the expenses were necessary to complete or attempt to complete the operation which is at issue in the indictment.

The Court imposes the following amounts of restitution:

BLM Costs:
BLM Labor Costs: $518,955.97.
BLM Contract Costs: $1,025,542.53.
TOTAL BLM Costs: $1,544,498.50.

FBI Costs:
FBI Las Vegas Employee Costs: $62,255.31.
FBI Los Angeles Employee Costs: $18,405.07.
FBI Los Angeles Travel Costs: $11,631.45.
TOTAL FBI Costs: $92,291.83.
TOTAL Amount of Restitution Ordered: $1,636,790.33

The Court orders and imposes restitution and associated conditions. Amended Judgment to follow.

Mr. Markowitz makes an oral motion to stay restitution pending appeal. The Court DENIES the motion.

Mr. Markowitz requests the Defendant be allowed to change his facility designation on the Amended Judgment to FCI Sheridan as Mr. Engel’s family is moving closer to this location and Mr. Engel has allergies at the current facility. The Court will amend its recommendation to the US Bureau of Prisons on the Amended Judgment.

The Court adjourns. Defendant is remanded to custody.


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10 Comments on Outrageous Restitution Ordered for Todd Engel

  1. Baja,

    The subject matter right here is a crime scene on the official record, whereby people claiming to be judges, lawyers, or other officials are willfully causing injury to innocent people, using their fake badges as a cover.

    What do you want to talk about?

      • My e-mail is josf.kelley- at –, and my web page is Power-Independence. If it has to do with solving the problem created in 1789, which is knowable as the problem of having criminals take-over the government by fraud, then I think that the clear solution is a return to simple common law procedures that every moral, productive, independent individual can understand.

  2. ” It and a few other steps removes one from being in ‘ Dishonor ‘ and a debt slave to being ‘On Honor’ and being a live man the people again with authority to use the correct system to put the courts in order so you a live man a non- citizen national can contract correctly with those court and enforcement Corporations as the corporate officers are now personally liable and their respective bonds can have a lien filed on them for costs.”

    If the people claiming that someone is in dishonor are perpetrating a fraud, then why would anyone want to go along with that fraud? According to the criminals perpetrating this fraud, there is a step by step method for the victims of their fraud to get free from this fraud, so long as the victims follow the rules set up by the same people who perpetrate the fraud in the first place? Get out of my trap the “Prince” claims, just follow these steps I have laid so generously at your feet.

    And so, the story goes that if there is a misstep made by one of the victims of this fraud, then the victim remains a victim of this fraud.

    I’m not buying into this wild goose chase. This type of response credits (giving support to) an ongoing fraud. How about an analogy? If a victim of the modern scam involving a “Prince” in Africa spamming email lists, whereby this “Prince” claims to need someone to help him transfer millions of dollars into a new bank account opened by the victim of this scam were to seek remedy from this scam would it then be wise for the victim to follow the rules set-up by the “Prince” for that purpose?

    How about another analogy?

    If a group of criminals kidnap, torture, rape, and enslave people for generations, is it a good idea to seek remedy according to the criminals currently perpetrating those crimes upon you?

    What is it about the natural law that is so hard to understand, such as the natural law that criminals (by their willful actions) do not obey moral laws?

    If someone claims that the Amended (Bill of Rights) Constitution of 1789 is their source of authority, then the people through their common law trial by jury tribunals must be asked before anyone can be lawfully punished, according to that authority.

    In other words the people (represented in tribunals), not the government (represented through election into office, or not), judge fact, guilt, and what does or does not constitute remedy in any case of any significance or, it is bogus, fake, fraudulent, and ought not be supported in anyway, and rather than supporting it, it ought to be defended against peacefully, lawfully, according to common principles that constitute our common laws.

    Prosecutor’s Duty to Disclose Exculpatory Evidence Lisa M. Kurcias

    “The Supreme Court held that the suppression of favorable evidence violated Brady’s rights under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 69
    69. Id. at 86. The Due Process Clause states that “[n]o State shall … deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” U.S. Const. amend. XIV.”

    “While the Supreme Court requires prosecutors to disclose certain evidence to the defense, consequences for withholding such evidence do not exist in the criminal justice system.”
    87. See Weeks, supra note 78, at 878 (“[T]he prospect of a civil suit under federal law for a Brady violation simply does not exist. We will have to look elsewhere to discover the incentive for prosecutors to comply with their constitutional obligation to disclose exculpatory evidence.”).

    “In fact, the Supreme Court has granted prosecutors absolute immunity from civil liability for failure to disclose exculpatory evidence.88”
    88. See Imbler v. Pachtman, 424 U.S. 409, 430 (1976); see also Bruce A. Green, Policing Federal Prosecutors: Do Too Many Regulators Produce Too Little Enforcement?, 8 St. Thomas L. Rev. 69, 79 n.54 (1995) [hereinafter Green, Enforcement] (stating that “prosecutors have absolute immunity for misconduct related to their prosecutorial function”). ”

    So there is a crime scene. People willfully counterfeit lawful authority as proven by their official records.

    What ought to be done, ask them how we are supposed to defend our liberties, and follow their suggestions obediently: without question?

  3. I understand Americans have been trained instead of educated.
    As long as you are still a PERSON, CITIZEN, INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATION, you, your children, and most all you think is yours are pledged for the bankruptcy debt is held by foreign creditors and you actually own nothing. Until you take the steps and give notice that you are non-citizen national( NOT SOVEREIGN CITIZEN! ) and you claim new administrator status of your live birth corporate name, you WILL be railroaded as you have no rights. This is a proven step that removes you from the Statute, Code, and Policy they use under the color of real law. Commerce & Contracting in the defacto realm of the for profit Corp courts, BAR, and enforcement the first two being foreign Corps. It and a few other steps removes one from being in ‘ Dishonor ‘ and a debt slave to being ‘On Honor’ and being a live man the people again with authority to use the correct system to put the courts in order so you a live man a non- citizen national can contract correctly with those court and enforcement Corporations as the corporate officers are now personally liable and their respective bonds can have a lien filed on them for costs.They have a BAR number and membership but YOUR BAR is Breach, Authority, and Remedy.Learn those and begin being educated instead of trained to roll over for illegitimate authority abuse and worship.

    This proven course of action was made available to all accused at the Refuge standoff at no charge but couldn’t be heard above the den of attorneys, info sellers,and prideful know it all’s. Thank God for President Trump but that won’t last long as the fraudsters and court actors will be on your heels once again down the road when you least expect it. again to put the slaves back into the corral.

  4. “Judicial and prosecutorial misconduct…”

    According to the codes that these individuals are under oath to follow, they are not merely guilty of misconduct. A prime example is the codes governing individuals whose job it is to prosecute government agents caught in the act of withholding exculpatory evidence.

    When they claim, under oath, to be in a position of authority to prosecute people who are guilty of the crime of withholding exculpatory evidence, while occupying a position of authority, such as occupying the position of a prosecutor or occupying the position of a district judge, and they fail to do the job they are bound by the laws they claim to be their source of authority, then that is hardly “prosecutorial misconduct.”

    They break their bond. They go outside the law. They are outlaws. They, by their actions, perpetrate crimes according to the laws they claim to be the source of their authority. They, therefore, commit treason. Claiming that treason is merely prosecutorial misconduct is a false claim.

    Not only is it natural (natural law) for people to demand, and enforce, moral conduct from those whose job is to demand, and enforce, moral conduct: see Mathew 7:12 for example, it is also written in statutes, even if said statutes are written as a false cover used to cover-up so-called “prosecutorial misconduct.”

    “The Disciplinary Rules, unlike Ethical Considerations, are mandatory in character [and] state the minimum level of conduct below which no lawyer can fall without being subject to disciplinary action.”

    “The legal restrictions stem from both criminal procedure law and judicial case law. For example, criminal procedure law requires the government, upon request, to produce documents to the defendant that are material to the defense or will be used as evidence by the prosecution.”
    “47. See Fed. R. Crim. P. Rule 16(a). ”
    Same source linked above: Prosecutor’s Duty to Disclose Exculpatory Evidence Lisa M. Kurcias

    Rule 16. Discovery and Inspection
    “(B) Defendant’s Written or Recorded Statement. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must disclose to the defendant, and make available for inspection, copying, or photographing, all of the following: …”

    “(2) Failure to Comply. If a party fails to comply with this rule, the court may:
    (A) order that party to permit the discovery or inspection; specify its time, place, and manner; and prescribe other just terms and conditions;
    (B) grant a continuance;
    (C) prohibit that party from introducing the undisclosed evidence; or
    (D) enter any other order that is just under the circumstances.”

    Like a dog sent chasing its own tail, a dog is rendered powerless.

    18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
    “Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”

    “Whoever makes or presents to any person or officer in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States, or to any department or agency thereof, any claim upon or against the United States, or any department or agency thereof, knowing such claim to be false, fictitious, or fraudulent, shall be imprisoned not more than five years and shall be subject to a fine in the amount provided in this title.”

    If they say that the laws that they claim to be the source of their power and authority apply only to those who they target, then it might be a good idea to question that claim of authority.

    Prosecutorial misconduct, really?

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