Kavanaugh Hearings: How to Judge a Judge
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. President Trump nominated Judge Kavanaugh in July to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, who retired after 31 years. Judge Kavanaugh, who clerked for Justice Kennedy, is highly regarded by his peers and by conservative legal scholars. If confirmed, conservatives will have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to move the court in the right direction.
During the first morning of the hearing, Democratic senators interrupted Republican Senators or Judge Kavanaugh 63 times. That same morning, 70 people in the audience were arrested for trying to disrupt the hearing. Fox News reported “the atmosphere became so heated that Ashley Kavanaugh, the judge’s wife, was forced to escort her visibly upset daughters – 13-year-old Margaret and 10-year-old Liza –from the hearing room.” Interruptions from Democrat Senators and arrests of audience members continued throughout the four-day hearing.
The most pathetic display came from Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) who on Thursday announced that he was disclosing 12 pages of “confidential” emails from Judge Kavanaugh’s time working in the George W. Bush Administration. Booker said “I’m knowingly violating the [Senate] rules” and “I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate.” But he felt these emails “about racial profiling” needed to be “expose[d].” Booker humbly declared this was his “‘I am Spartacus’ moment.”
As it turns out, the Committee had already approved public release of the emails hours earlier. And the emails themselves showed the opposite of what Booker was claiming. Kavanaugh was speaking against racial profiling, not supporting it. Weeks after 9/11, Kavanaugh said that he “generally favor[s] effective security measures that are race-neutral” and called for action so that “a truly effective and comprehensive race-neutral system is developed and implemented.”
What Booker did is hard to explain, but the most bitingly accurate explanation comes from the Washington Free Beacon, who put together a funny 90 second video that must be viewed by all. You can watch it here.
Theatrics aside, there was some substance to the hearings. For four straight days, Senators peppered Judge Kavanaugh with questions on abortion, the Second Amendment, immigration, and many other important issues. Judge Kavanaugh responded thoughtfully and candidly, showing an excellent grasp of the law and a firm understanding of a judge’s proper role within our constitutional system.
As Judge Kavanaugh himself said on Tuesday, “A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written. A judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent.” Our Founding Fathers would agree.
Liberals have yet to provide one legitimate reason why Judge Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. Even the left-leaning American Bar Association gave Judge Kavanaugh its “highest-rating of well-qualified.” His legal career spans almost 30 years, going back to his graduation from Yale Law School in 1990. For the past 12 years, he has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where he has written more than 300 opinions and handled more than 2,000 cases. Before that, he was a lawyer in the White House Counsel’s office for five years, working in the second Bush Administration.
After his impressive performance at this week’s hearing, Judge Kavanaugh is poised to join Neil Gorsuch as President Trump’s second successful Supreme Court nominee. One of the President’s most important responsibilities is nominating judges who understand how to properly apply our Constitution. That was one of the main reasons I campaigned so hard to make Donald Trump President. The President is keeping his promise by nominating Judge Kavanaugh, and the Senate should confirm him expeditiously.
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Kavanaugh is a judicial activist as per his previous opinions. He is not a conservative, but a centrist. Once again we are being asked to support and defend the Emperor’s New Clothes. Please look behind the curtain at what is really being done here. It’s not rocket science…just click a few buttons on your keypad and research the REAL Brett Kavanaugh. Thank you for your time.
Pro-Abortion Brett Kavanaugh Must Go – USA Survival Published on Jul 14, 2018 President Trump broke his campaign promise to pro-lifers when he nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Ricardo Davis of Georgia Right to Life calls Kavanaugh’s pro-abortion position “morally reprehensible” and urges pro-lifers and conservatives to demand Kavanaugh’s withdrawal and for Trump to replace him with a real pro-life nominee such as Amy Coney Barrett. https://youtu.be/4TJWRnacEIA
Statement on Kavanaugh nomination to SCOTUS TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018 AFA has opposed the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S Supreme Court for some very valid reasons. We are deeply concerned about how he might ultimately rule on issues related to abortion and religious liberty. For these reasons, we consider this nomination to represent a four-star appointment when it could have been five-star. ~ American Family Association
Why social conservatives are disappointed that Trump picked Brett Kavanaugh Some have regret over an “exceedingly uninspiring” choice for the Supreme Court. By Jane Coastonjane.coaston@vox.com Jul 10, 2018, https://www.vox.com/2018/7/10/17551502/kavanaugh-supreme-court-abortion-conservatives-gop
NBC’s Chuck Todd: Brett Kavanaugh Is A “Very Confirmable Pick” Posted By Tim Hains On Date July 9, 2018 NBC’s Chuck Todd says that Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy is “a very confirmable pick” for the Supreme Court, when it comes to getting through the Senate, noting that pro-choice Republican Sens. Murkowski and Collins have supported him before. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/07/09/nbcs_chuck_todd_brett_kavanaugh_is_a_very_confirmable_pick.html
Kavanaugh Not a True Conservative, Trump Should Withdraw Nomination By Larry Klayman Tuesday, 10 July 2018 A true conservative believes in the rights of the individual, over the state. A true conservative would not countenance the government exerting its police power to spy on the citizenry, without probable cause under our sacred Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. Indeed, the Fourth Amendment was designed by the Framers as an antidote to the tyranny which King George III had wreaked on the colonies, where his red coat henchmen would break into homes, rob them of their wares and property, and sometimes rape their women and rough up their children…Judge Kananaugh either has no respect for the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, or he was unethically attempting to curry favor with the Republican establishment, exemplified by former President George W. Bush and his administration, which Kavanaugh had worked for as staff secretary in the White House Counsel’s office. President Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheney, not coincidentally, had also put in place this mass surveillance, using September 11 as the pretext. ~ By Larry Klayman Tuesday, 10 July 2018 https://www.newsmax.com/larryklayman/brett-kavanaugh-fourth-amendment-george-w-bush-trump/2018/07/10/id/870888/
Pro-Life Senator Rand Paul May Vote Against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh MICAIAH BILGER JUL 13, 2018 http://www.lifenews.com/2018/07/13/pro-life-senator-rand-paul-may-vote-against-supreme-court-nominee-brett-kavanaugh/
Brett Kavanaugh’s defense of NSA phone surveillance looms as confirmation question by Steven Nelson | July 09, 2018 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/brett-kavanaughs-defense-of-nsa-phone-surveillance-looms-as-confirmation-question
Social conservatives react to Judge Kavanaugh Fox News Published on Jul 9, 2018 Conservatives are uneasy over the Supreme Court nominee’s past rulings. Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins reacts on ‘Fox News @ Night.’ https://youtu.be/SEXPkHJzKeo
ThanksCarrie we had so much fun!xo,Kellyann
Too right Nikki ! I doubt if we’ve seen such vitrol since the times leading up to the Civil War – a portent ? Like the election of Lincoln in 1860, Trump’s re-election in 2020 may drive people like Booker and Harris over the edge (As though they aren’t in need of minders already!) That their fulminations haven’t been checked by wiser heads in their party is a barometer of how hysterical they all are. Being the old music buff that I am, a Kay Keiser tune from WWII comes to mind – “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”.
Booker and Harris both need to look in a mirror. They no longer talk reasonably, have discussion, or act professional. They were conducting an Inquisition, not a civil discussion to glean information. Just the pictures of their faces while bullying a quiet, educated, good man gives a glimpse into the democratic Senate. So shameful. The masks have come off, they are showing their true lack of character. Pathetic and sad. Embarrassing that these people are so vicious, disrespectful and representing Americans in Congress. They could take the high road and support bringing people into living peacefully, but instead feed the hatred and anger. Completely disgusting.