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Collapsing The Two Party System

We are presently in the same phase of disagreement as was present just before the violence of the civil war broke out.

Collapsing The Two Party System

Collapsing The Two Party System

by Pete Ketcham

The Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings, with the tactics and unruly conduct of the Democrat party members, has demonstrated to the nation how the Democrat opposition to a Republican majority has gone completely out of control. The obstruction and disruption we have witnessed these past two weeks concerning the Kavanaugh nomination is just a sample of what is “coming down the line” in opposition against anything the President and Republicans wish to accomplish. As bad as it is now, it will get much worse if the Democrats become the majority party.

It has become apparent that the process of governing our country by the cooperation between opposing political parties is collapsing. Throughout our history we had been able to maintain a stable government by the traditional cooperation between the opposing political parties, but now the opposition and tactics of the Democrat party is destroying that concept.

Instead of being the “loyal opposition” they have become the “party of destruction”, literally a criminal political mafia, intent in destroying any constitutional procedure, agenda, or person that does not conform to their warped illogical philosophy and agenda. They have embedded themselves in every government agency, and constantly use deceit and illegal procedures to further their agenda through these agencies.

Without the traditional cooperation between the political parties it would seem that we are headed toward some type of constitutional crisis, or even outright violence. We are presently in the same phase of disagreement as was present just before the violence of the civil war broke out. Some may naively believe all this political disruption is “just politics as usual”, but it is far greater than that.

Our nation is now in grave danger of being brought down from it’s traditional constitutional status to a chaotic state of anarchy and violence. I say this because it is not only the Democratic party fostering this coming crisis, but they are being assisted by academia, mainstream news media, and Hollywood. This coalition of the “left” is very powerful, and has already convinced  half the US population their agenda is correct.

No one knows how this is all going to turn out, as we are “sailing in uncharted waters” (as I have previously stated). It would seem that George Washington in his 1896 presidential farewell address accurately and prophetically saw in the future what the final result of political parties would be, I quote:

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

Nevertheless there are determined and courageous conservative Republicans such as Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, Nikki Haley and others who are not being intimidated, and will fight to the end for the continuation of our constitutional nation.


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4 Comments on Collapsing The Two Party System

  1. “The so called collapse of the two party system isn’t coming about because the democrats have moved too far left. It’s come about because every time the democrats moved farther left, the republican moved left also.”

    What is left in context concerning the above message?

    If by “left” the meaning is the same meaning as a criminal organization under the color of law, then I think that the message has meaning.

    “Republicans moved to the center, then beyond.”

    Ron Paul, as far as I know, is the only one I know who represents the whole people, the public, as in res-publica (the public thing), and therefore he is a republican. All the others, again, as far as I know, are republican in name only, and once they are seen as naked as they are, as emperors without clothes, who say one thing so as to gain power, and do the opposite once power is gained.

    Vote for me to end the criminal wars of aggression, they say to gain power. Once in power they start or continue wars of aggression: a crime perpetrated by the British to subjugate Americans under their dictatorial rule, and a crime perpetrated by Nazis.

    The right versus left scale applies only to those democrats in name only, along with those republicans in name only, as those posers take control of the criminal organization that operates so well under disguise. Left in that context means more overt criminal acts, less plausible deniability, and moving more to the right in that context means less overt criminal acts with more plausible deniability: it is easier to imagine the clothes worn by the Emperors moving to the right on the organized crime (under the color of law) scale.

    Why this is hard to see I don’t know, it was once common knowledge.

  2. The so called collapse of the two party system isn’t coming about because the democrats have moved too far left. It’s come about because every time the democrats moved farther left, the republican moved left also. Republicans moved to the center, then beyond. So much so, that there is little difference in the way the two parties vote, or the legislation they pen.
    True conservatives/constitutionalists have almost zero representation in politics anymore, and are in dire need of it.

  3. “Courageous Republicans such as ….Nikki Haley and others who are not being intimidated, and will fight to the end for the continuation of our constitutional nation.”

    Is that the same Nikki Haley who threw Southern heritage under the bus for political expediency?

  4. “It has become apparent that the process of governing our country by the cooperation between opposing political parties is collapsing.”

    When the criminals took-over the existing federation (voluntary association for mutual defense under the common law), doing so by fraud, threats, and committing treason, they, those criminals called The Federalist Party, created this divide, so as to conquer, situation that is commented upon in such messages as the one quoted above: who expects opposing political parties to cooperate?

    I think it is a contradiction in terms, those who are opposed are opposed or they would not be opposed. Those who cooperate, cooperate, or they would not be cooperating.

    Put in other words:

    “Whether national government will be productive of internal peace, is too uncertain to admit of decided opinion. I only hazard a conjecture when I say, that our state disputes, in a confederacy, would be disputes of levity and passion, which would subside before injury. The people being free, government having no right to them, but they to government, they would separate and divide as interest or inclination prompted – as they do at this day, and always have done, in Switzerland. In a national government, unless cautiously and fortunately administered, the disputes will be the deep-rooted differences of interest, where part of the empire must be injured by the operation of general law; and then should the sword of government be once drawn (which Heaven avert) I fear it will not be sheathed, until we have waded through that series of desolation, which France, Spain, and the other great kingdoms of the world have suffered, in order to bring so many separate States into uniformity, of government and law; in which event the legislative power can only be entrusted to one man (as it is with them) who can have no local attachments, partial interests, or private views to gratify. ”

    That is a work titled: New Constitution Creates A National Government; Will Not Abate Foreign Influence; Dangers Of Civil War And Despotism

    Those comments were offered as a statement of the obvious, at least obvious to some.

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