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Facebook Censors Activist in Middle of Live Stream

Facebook is in full force with their attempts to shut down conservative views.

Facebook Censors Activist in Middle of Live Stream

Facebook Censors Activist in Middle of Live Stream

By Shari Dovale

The Washington Initiative I-1639 is a hot topic throughout the Northwest and the country. It has made national headlines.

The collection of signatures, and the snaky way it was handled, is the presiding issue but not the only problem it has. These problems were so evident that a Thurston County judge removed the initiative from the Washington State ballot for this November.

Now, the State Supreme Court has overridden that decision and placed the initiative back on the ballot.

For everyone to understand the implications of what is involved, Redoubt News brought Matt Marshall of the Washington 3% onto a live stream on Facebook to explain the initiative. The live stream took place on Wednesday night, August 29th.

Marshall has been hit hard recently, as many of us can identify with, by Facebook and their censoring of conservative news. He had just come out of “Facebook Jail” that morning.

In the middle of the live stream, which you can view for yourself below, Facebook removed him from their platform and tried to stop his discussion on the topic.

You can see this at the 14:50 mark in the video.

It did not stop the discussion, however, as we had him call in and talk through speaker phone. It is not our preferred method of reaching out to the public, but it will work in a pinch.

Yes, Facebook is in full force with their attempts to shut down conservative views. They, as well as Google, YouTube and more, are implementing a ban on Free Speech in favor of a Globalist agenda to control what people think. (Have you read 1984?)

Redoubt News will continue the battle to bring you the truth.

This video has been placed on several venues with the goal to keep it visible to the public. We will not be shut down. We will not go quietly into the night. We are Americans!

To read the initiative, please go here.


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