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Hot Issues in Idaho Legislature

March 5, 2018 0

Hot Issues in Idaho Legislature By Rep. Priscilla Giddings We’re 40 days into the legislative session and more than 500 bills have been printed – that is more than 12 bills per day! There are [Read More]


OMD 3rd Audio Recording Released

March 4, 2018 0

OMD 3rd Audio Recording Released By Shari Dovale The government’s request to lengthen the expected prison term for Ryan Payne for actions taken during the Malheur Wildlife Protest included a 91 page filing that outlined [Read More]


OMD 2nd Audio Recording Released

March 4, 2018 0

OMD 2nd Audio Recording Released By Shari Dovale The government’s request to lengthen the expected prison term for Ryan Payne for actions taken during the Malheur Wildlife Protest included a 91 page filing that outlined [Read More]


United at the Apex by Pete Ketcham

March 1, 2018 2

UNITED AT THE APEX   In the past I have wrote at length about the present situation in our nation, but would like to make a few comments on what it was like at the [Read More]

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