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FISA MEMO Released to the Public

Informant Christopher Steele was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected

FISA MEMO Released to the Public

FISA MEMO Released to the Public

by Shari Dovale

The controversial FISA Memo has been declassified by President Donald Trump and released to the public by Congress. Before the release, President Trump was asked about the 4 page document and said, “A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves.”

The memo, also known as the ‘Nunes Memo’, outlines alleged violations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) and their use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) within their investigation during the 2016 Presidential election cycle.

The memo outlines how Christopher Steele, on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign, compiled a dossier which formed the basis for the Carter Page FISA application. Steele, a longtime FBI Informant, was paid $160,000 by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

Using the now infamous anti-Trump dossier, which was commissioned by Fusion GPS, though paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s presidential campaign, senior FBI and DOJ officials did not reveal that information in four separate application/renewal opportunities.

The memo makes it clear that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” from the FISA court “without the Steele dossier information.”

However, the dossier was tainted from the beginning, Steele making it very clear that he had political motivations behind his part in it, saying he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

“This clear evidence of Steele’s bias was recorded by [then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce] Ohr at the time and subsequently in official FBI files – but not reflected in any of the Page FISA applications,” the memo states.

Another key point in the memo was the intentional leaks to the liberal media by Steele, who was fired an as FBI informant after it was discovered that he had told the liberal news outlet “Mother Jones” of his relationship with the FBI.

Read the memo below:

Or read it here

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4 Comments on FISA MEMO Released to the Public

  1. Comey. Rosenstein, Clintons, Strotz, Page, Obama all need to be charged. That Judge needs to call them all back in.. #GitmoHasPlentyOfRoom For these corrupt officials

  2. Alcatraz…it will call you,where the sky meets the don’t need a reservation… time to pay, time to pay……….Hillary..Hillary..Hillareeee !

  3. The Wooten Report….on steroids ! What was that about a “Deep State” conspiracy ? Looks like There’ll be a lot of room for promotions at FBI..The fear of Trump – these revelations are an exponential increase in his power. And now, just watch, Hillary will be throwing her erstwhile confederates to the wolves….But really, who needs all this crap and corruption ? Lets stake out our own turf – State and County – where we can Claim,use and defend.

  4. Get the names and bring them to justice one out of time until they are jailed and repalced.America has to get to the bottom of the shit pile and we all know who they are.Mr.Trump has to go all the way for the Americian people,they are depending on you.Rember fight the good fight.HONESTY RIGHTOUSNESS WILL LEAD THE WAY THE LIGHT IS THE GUIDE.PEOPLE HAVE TO PAY FOR THERE WRONG DOINGS.ITS IT WRITTEN.

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