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Rep. Heather Scott: Consider Stepping Up

I look forward to seeing some of you in Boundary County on October 7th

Consider Stepping Up


by Rep. Heather Scott

Now that the smoke has cleared, in more ways than one, it seems like a good time to give you a brief update.

Late summer and early fall were traditionally slower times for legislators, but not anymore.  There are many opponents who are actively working to change our district, state and republic through fake news and other deceptive maneuvers, so it’s up to all good liberty loving folks to remain vigilant.

Liberty legislators throughout the state are being attacked by the liberal media in their attempts to smear our reputations and derail our successes in the House.  The upcoming 2018 legislative session and elections are shaping up to be a battle.

We need good honest folks across the state to consider stepping up to help move our local and state government in the right direction.  I believe this coming year can be a major turning point for freedom and liberty in our state and country if folks like you remain engaged by educating your friends and family with the truth and  disregarding media spin masquerading as fact.  Rely on your own fact-finding efforts, not theirs or anyone else’s.

A highlight this month was the wonderful fundraiser dinner in Dover, attended by some 200 folks, and dozens of volunteers and donors helped to make it a resounding success.  Thank you all so much!

Gracious supporters in Boundary County are holding a fundraiser for me in Boundary County on October 7th from 4-7 pm in Moyie Springs as well.  I look forward to seeing some of you there!  See the attached flyer for information, or go to this link:

I am humbled and honored by your support in helping me pursue our cause of preserving liberty and representing conservative Idaho values and principles

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4 Comments on Rep. Heather Scott: Consider Stepping Up

  1. I’m pretty sure Rep Scott does not smoke anything, at least not when I have seen her. Nor does she seem the type. I would think as person with a spouse with a history drug involvement, you would be careful about throwing those sorts of accusations around.

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