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Oath Keepers To Ann Coulter: Give Speech – You Have Protection

No stand down. We are going no matter what.

Oath Keepers To Ann Coulter: Give Speech - You Have Protection
Ann Coulter (photo: AP)

Oath Keepers Urges Ann Coulter to Carry on With Berkeley Speech. Pledges Protection.

Oath Keepers has current and retired law enforcement officers and military veterans on site in Berkeley, CA to protect her and those attending her speech.

We successfully defended the speakers and audience on April 15 in MLK park in Berkeley as part of a combined security detail that also included American Civil Defense, III% patriots, and bikers from Two Million Bikers. The Proud Boys and Kyle Chapman and his men also showed up along with hundreds of other patriots and the event was safe and not one speaker was harmed nor anyone in the audience prevented from listening.  We can do it again.

Stewart Rhodes
Founder of Oath Keepers

UPDATE: No stand down. We are going no matter what.

Ann Coulter cancels her speech at Berkeley amid safety dispute

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter has canceled her speech planned for this week at the University of California’s Berkeley campus after a dispute with school officials, who feared violent protests, over whether a safe venue could be found.

“There will be no speech,” Coulter wrote in an email to Reuters on Wednesday in which she also criticized two conservative groups who had originally sponsored the event, saying they were no longer supporting her. “I looked over my shoulder and my allies had joined the other team,” she wrote.

“I have no sponsor, no lawyer, no court order,” she added. “I can’t vindicate constitutional rights on my own. I was just supposed to give the speech.”

Read more at: and Reuters


2 Comments on Oath Keepers To Ann Coulter: Give Speech – You Have Protection

  1. Oathkeepers ? Why are they not in Nevada standing and supporting the Bundy Ranch Protesters that they stood up there on the stage and online and gave credibility to the protest? “STEWART RHODES…WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU NOT GOING TO STAND WITH THEM NOW?”

    • Stewart made a mistake in not supporting the Malheur occupation 100% from the start (for tactical reasons: unfriendly Sheriff in that county) which is a mistake he is now stuck with having made. The same mistake Alex Jones made by the way. He lost a lot of support for that mistake as did Jones. Now there are understandable hard feelings toward the OathKeepers from the Finicum and Bundy families so Stewart cannot really reverse himself now because it is really too late. I hope that Stewart comes forward, admits his mistake, and starts fully supporting the political prisoners and mends those fences but I cannot make him do anything. He was right about the tactics of the occupation being bad but wrong in that he did not support them anyway. Since LaVoy was assassinated now the feelings of betrayal run deep and I do not know if Stewart can ever change that going forward. I am sure he wishes he could change it. The real question I would be asking right now though is “why isn’t Alex Jones covering the story of the trials and why did he throw the occupiers under the bus since he had much less to risk by covering the story then the OK’s had in offering protection to the occupiers”? Where is Alex Jones? Why is he not covering this?

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