Lincoln Day in Bonner County
by Shari Dovale
Lincoln Day is the primary annual celebration and fund-raising event for the Republican Party in the United States.
Throughout the different states and counties, GOP members gather to celebrate accomplishments, share updates, hear valuable information from varying speakers, and fund raise for the coming year.
Speakers will vary from leaders in the Republican Party, like Governors and Senators, to high profile news commentators, and more.
In Bonner County, Idaho, their Lincoln Day celebration took place on April 22nd, with keynote speaker, attorney Alex Kincaid, 2nd Amendment proponent, and author of the book, Infringed. Kincaid is a well-versed speaker that keeps her audience attentive and engaged.
The event was catered by the Klondyke Cafe in Laclede, serving North Idaho’s best Prime Rib.
The Bonner County Republican Central Committee kept the fun rolling with a live band. Everyone enjoyed Jim Kelly and the 7B Band.
Several familiar faces were seen at the Priest River Event Center that night. How many will you know in the slideshow below?
It was your chance to meet your legislative leaders and those that would like to be.
Consider attending a Lincoln Day event in your area. Support your local GOP and learn the important news for your county, state and nation.