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Montana’s Natural Living Man: Time for Court

A warrant has been issued for Ernie for “failure to appear on a driving on suspended license”

natural man
Photo Credit: Jason Van Tatenhove

Montana’s Natural Living Man: Time for Court


Ernie Wayne terTelgte first gained the attention of patriots across the nation when he amassed millions of views on YouTube with his actions within the Montana court systems. The event that went viral was due to his being arrested for fishing without a license and then resisting arrest. You can see the proceedings that went viral here.

Back in court yesterday in the small mountain town of Eureka, Montana, Ernie Wayne terTelgte, “Montana’s Natural Living Man”, again made a name for himself by challenging the Montana State Court systems authority and jurisdiction.

Before walking into the court house to once again do legal battle with the State of Montana, Ernie laid out, for a small group of observers, the case he has put together. According to terTelgte, this proves that the state does not have the jurisdiction to stop, arrest or ticket him for driving with out a license.

Watch the video below to see the evidence he offers in his case.

The actual court proceedings were fairly short as Ernie refused to enter the court room, due to the fact that the room did not include a “bar” (the small fence and gate you usually see in larger court rooms.)

He requested that the judge come meet him in the waiting room where the group of supporters had gathered. However, she refused, so Ernie left the court house. You can see the video of this interaction below.

After contacting the court house in Eureka this morning, I can confirm that a warrant has been issued for Ernie for “failure to appear on a driving on suspended license”.  I will keep you updated as new information comes forward.

Photo Credit: Jason Van Tatenhove
Photo Credit: Jason Van Tatenhove

This story is being covered by Jason Van Tatenhove for Northwest Liberty News

