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US Attorney Threatens Citizens Over Refugees

Will they have more political prisoners incarcerated over their Socialist agenda?

US Attorney

US Attorney Threatens Citizens Over Refugees

By Shari Dovale

Wendy J. Olson, the US Attorney for Idaho, is verbally smacking citizens over “inflammatory” remarks made about the Muslim refugee boys in Twin Falls. Her statement seems to show that she is protecting refugees above the 5 year old victim.

It is not normal procedure for a US Attorney to intervene in a local criminal case, as WND reports, and Olson made an official statement threatening the community and the media with federal prosecution if they “spread false information or inflammatory statements about the perpetrators.”

Let’s back up a moment and look at what the prosecutors job is. Aren’t they supposed to represent the people and the victims? Aren’t they supposed to be dedicated to getting perpetrators off the street? Not in our new America.

Saying that inflammatory statements about the 3 Muslim refugee boys, or the crime of assault “may violate federal law” does not address the unspeakable acts that little girl went through, and will have to deal with for the rest of her life. It does, however, test the bounds of decency with veiled threats.

The citizens of that community have a right to some answers. When they asked, they were given a few comments, and some cryptic responses. How long did it take the police to respond? The police chief insists that is was not 2 hours, as reported, yet he would not say how long it took. In “due” time could mean an hour, or even 3 hours. How do we know?

Since it has been widely reported that the Quran encourages this violent behavior against non-believers, or infidels, how do we know whether or not the Muslim boys’ fathers congratulated them for the atrocities the young child is said to have gone through?

Now, let’s discuss the laws that the citizen journalists are being accused of violating. What specific laws is Olson referring to? The First Amendment?

If they are concerned about a few very minor points, such as which countries these Muslim were brought in from, then they need to be sure that they hold themselves to that same standard. (Anyone remember Susan Rice making the rounds with her known false statements?)

Will they have more political prisoners incarcerated over their Socialist agenda? We already have way too many in our (formerly) free Republic. How many notches will they add to their overloaded jail-bedpost just so they can promote this invasion to our country?

It certainly seems to be all about the refugees. Protect them and allow them to continue the behavior that, while it may be acceptable in their home countries, is not acceptable here.


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1 Comment on US Attorney Threatens Citizens Over Refugees

  1. What a bunch of garbage. Did you read what she said? You’re the one trying obscure the truth.

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